In Other BSDs for 2020/12/05

Some interesting ‘how do you do this?’ sort of material this week.

When is 6.0?

The next release of DragonFly will be 6.0, mostly because 5.10 is an annoying version number rather than any significant version changes.  We’re due to release by the biannual calendar schedule – but there’s a DRI bug that needs to be fixed; I plan to tag as soon as that’s done.

Lazy Reading for 2020/11/29

I don’t have to work today for the first time since I am not sure when.  For that, you get links links links.

In Other BSDs for 2020/11/28

The first link here is the one that everyone should take advantage of.


Lazy Reading for 2020/11/22

Literally most of the tabs I have open right now, in front of you.

In Other BSDs for 202/11/21

Right outta RSS.

Lazy Reading for 2020/11/15

Surely some of these are repeats?

In Other BSDs for 2020/11/14

My BSD RSS feeds are strangely quiet this week.


Lazy Reading for 2020/11/08

There’s some good reading/projects linked in here, so if you have free time, this can keep you busy.

Your unrelated music of the week: KUTMAH: Isolation Tapes v.006.  There’s a lot more good music from this person.