Lazy Reading for 2020/06/07

Hardware as the informal theme this week.

In Other BSDs for 2020/06/06

Remember, BSDCan 2020 is still streaming if you read this early enough.

Lazy Reading for 2020/05/31

This week’s Lazy Reading supported, kindly, by Tse Gratis volunteering a bunch of links.


In Other BSDs for 2020/05/30

Something that makes me happy: Vermaden’s Valuable News and BSD Now have both been reliable as clockwork for a long time now.

Lazy Reading for 2020/05/24

It’s rare, but I was able to collect most of these links more than 24 hours before you are reading them.

In Other BSDs for 2020/05/23

For once I started on these early in the week.

Lazy Reading for 2020/05/17

No theme, cause I’m nicely spread out this week over topics.