Lazy Reading for 2019/12/15

Some deep dives here; take your time today.

In Other BSDs for 2019/12/14

Lots of variety this week.

Lazy Reading for 2019/12/08

Accidental theme this week: terminals.

Your odd pile of GIFs for the week: more Jan Svankmajer animations than I’ve ever seen in one place.  (via)

In Other BSDs for 2019/12/07

Accidental theme: BUGs BUGs BUGs and also happy birthday me!  It’s a bit brief cause like usual I am working extra.


Lazy Reading for 2019/12/01

I’m going with high-concept material this week.  If you have time for some thinking today, you’ll enjoy the links.


In Other BSDs for 2019/11/30

End of year events are starting to get scheduled; watch for one near you.