I haven’t done this in a while. Your unrelated music link of the week: Drifted Entities Vol. 2 by Healing Force Project. New electronic, but not modern.
Self-Hosted Calendar and Addressbook services on OpenBSD. To go with Michael W. Lucas’s upcoming book.
Infinite Mac, to go with previously linked Moof-A-Day. (via)
If you absolutely, must shut up your console, kern.kprintf_logging=0.
Mathematically summarizing RPG combat. This is extremely niche but extremely interesting if you fit that niche.
A number of tips on unicode display and incidentally getting weather at the command line.
I like the idea of virtualized machines springing into existence just by trying to connect to them. This is OpenBSD-specific, but could probably be extrapolated to bhyve or NVMM.
Emily Pillmore of the Haskell Foundation is presenting at the next SEMIBUG meeting, tomorrow, at 7 PM.
Just seeing the screens gives me a nostalgic feeling: early Mac floppies on the Internet Archive. Collected by the same guy who did the Apple ][ cracks. (via)
This printer recommendation matches what I’ve been saying for about 2-3 years now. (via)
From “Run Your Own Mail Server” chapter 0:
“In 1978 Gary Thuerk, an employee of the Digital Equipment Corporation, emailed several hundred people he didn’t know an invitation to a demonstration of the new DEC packet-switching systems. (…) Five days after the message went out the chief of the US Air Force’s ARPAnet Management Branch, Major Raymond Czahor, called Thuerk’s boss to tell them to never do it again on pain of disconnection.
This first advertising email sold twelve million dollars of computers.”
Cloud and back again talk by Brian Cantrill. Not BSD specific but he’s been involved with other BSD work. (via)