
I’m suddenly having trouble with the machine that hosts this site (random crashes, hardware disappearing), so there may be some surprise downtime over the next few days until a replacement motherboard arrives…

Hardware suggestions welcome

This machine,, is having some issues.  I had to power down because of unrelated problems, and the system couldn’t find the kernel on the next boot, though the issue disappeared on the next boot.  That’s enough of an excuse to build new…

Any hardware recommendations?  I’m interested in hearing what chipsets/disks/RAID setups/etc. and/or hardware suppliers worked well for people.

Network issues

My apologies, folks – the site is going up and down, along with my network connection.  It’s probably because of Time Warner (my network provider) trying and failing to correctly implement bandwidth measuring tools for their upcoming volume cap.   (I keep getting passed a private IP.)

Interregnum interrupted

Sorry about a week without posts!  I was in the wilds of Canada and without any Internet access, for probably the longest period for me since 1995.  It was weird.  Regular posts resume tomorrow.

Permalinks fixed

Upgrading WordPress to 2.6 yesterday broke the direct links to articles on the Digest.  It’ll be updated in the 2.6.1 release of WordPress, but until then I’ve changed the links to correct for the issue.

News sites, like this one, and not like this one

This post on the “gentrification of geek communities” is interesting, and somewhat relevant to what I’m trying to do with the Digest. However, the author seems to have more of a concern about which sites appear the most hip, rather than viewing them as secondary mechanisms for reporting on the actual news items found there. (Via)

Perhaps that’s the sign a geek news site has ‘jumped the shark’: when appearing on it is more exciting than reading the news articles present. e.g. the Slashdot Effect rather than the Slashdot News.

Yay Dion

I updated this DragonFly system from 1.12.1 to 1.12.2 Sunday night, and PHP (and therefore this WordPress-based Digest) stopped working. Dion (dblazakis in #dragonflybsd) found the reason and fixed it, for which I am very grateful.

I had a number of posts I had made ahead of time, so there’s no actual gap in posts from when the server wasn’t responding.  Make sure you catch the past few days of articles.

Busy busy busy

For some reason, I’ve had more material for posting in the past few weeks than just about ever.  I’ve had a 2-3 day backlog of news all this time.  I’m not complaining, mind you, I’m just thrilled that there’s this much going on.