This is another one of those ‘wide variety’ weeks, so settle in; I am confident at least one of these links will grab you.
- ASCII: A Love Letter. (via)
- Leveling Up. There’s a book offer there.
- The Inside Story of Texas Instruments’ Biggest Blunder: The TMS9900 Microprocessor. Written by one of the people involved. (via)
- A survey of CPU caches. (via)
- Home Assistant, an open-source home automation platform. (via)
- Vim after 15 Years. (via)
- MNT Reform: DIY portable computer. (via)
- Show HN: Vixl44 – Create pixel art inside your terminal using vim movements. (via)
- Mastodon 2.0. (via)
- F-Droid 1.0 released. (via)
- Screen Savers. Screen savers are arguably unnecessary at this point, so they have become a sort of art form, separated from their original utility. I like that. (via)
- A Research UNIX Reader: Annotated Excerpts from the Programmer’s Manual, 1971-1986. (via)
- The Xerox Alto, Smalltalk, and rewriting a running GUI. Read the comments. (via)
- Alan Kay Demos the Original, PARC GUI from Rescued Disc. (via)
Your unrelated link of the week: Lynda Barry is the funk queen of the galaxy, a fantastic cartoonist, and now the best ever advice columnist.