Messylaneous – Unixy articles, clang, pkgsrc projects, more
BSD links plz

I did some cleanup on the various BSD links I have on the sidebar of this site; are there any sites I’m missing?  I’d like to be as complete as possible.  Please supply URLs.

(Be warned that some messages may not show up immediately because links in comments will rarely trigger the spamfilter – I’ll check for them.)

Things to eat up your day

It’s a holiday weekend, at least in the United States, so I’m posting few things that take time to view.

Murray Stokely mentioned this in a comment, but it’s juicy enough to warrant a post: the BSD Conferences channel on YouTube has all 17 of the recent AsiaBSDCon 2010 presentations, plus a lot more from other conferences.

Phil Foglio, the fellow who drew the original BSD Daemon, has several comics strips, all of which are available for free – Buck Godot (complete), MythAdventures (in progress), What’s New with Phil and Dixie (in progress), and Girl Genius (in progress and in print).