Nicely mixed topics this week.
- It’s several years old, but worth viewing: .ike’s presentation of “Shell Fu” from NYCBUG, as video. Also: May event speaker needed. (via)
- The FreeBSD-12 support model.
- “OpenVMS vs. Unix” (antagonists or sisters?).
- Previous link via Nixers Newsletter 121.
- Back in the Day: UNIX, Minix and Linux. The author rewrote wump(6) for 4.3 BSD.
- Looking for a worm and encrypted storage solution. FreeNAS + Greentec.
- OpenSSH 8.0 released. (via)
- Create a dedicated user for ssh tunneling only. OpenBSD as the example platform.
- Deploying munin-node with drist. Probably could be done on any BSD.
- Valuable News – 2019/04/15.
- Next Polish BSD user group meeting: April 25th. I’ll post a reminder.
- Moving your IMAP server to a third party: FastMail. FastMail is a mail host I’ve heard recommendations for multiple times.
- GhostBSD 19.04 Now Available. (via)
- docbook2mdoc-1.0.0 released.
- t2k19 Hackathon Report: On rsync, ssh, and ports cruft.
- t2k19 Hackathon Report: unwinding in Taipei.
- Setting up a new Dovecot server on FreeBSD with an OSX client.
- Announcing the pkgsrc-2019Q1 release.
- BSD Link Roundup 4.12.
- battery consuming battery software.