In Other BSDs for 2020/02/29

Happy leap day!

Chicago, Polish, Hamilton, and Dusseldorf BUG meetings tonight

ChiBUG is having their monthly meeting at the normal place, Giordano’s, tonight.  Next month is a new location.

Hamilton, Ontario, is having what I think is the inaugural meeting for their BUG, tonight.  That’s I think the closest one to me so far.

Also, the Polish BUG is meeting tonight.  I say “tonight” for both of these, but they are very different time zones.

The Dusseldorf BUG is also also meeting tonight.  Second Tuesdays are popular!

In Other BSDs for 2020/01/25

BUGs BUGs BUGs this week.  I’ll make sure to note the events again when they get closer, too.

In Other BSDs for 2019/01/18

Unofficial theme: conventions.  There’s lots of options this year; you should go.  If you are reading this, you’re the right demographic to enjoy one.

In Other BSDs for 2020/01/11

No theme evolved, but lots more links this week.



In Other BSDs for 2019/12/21

I managed to miss the Thursday update to BSDNow (#329) – Michael W. Lucas is interviewed mostly about his unnatural love of gelato BSD books , and he’s always an entertaining talker.


In Other BSDs for 2019/12/14

Lots of variety this week.