In Other BSDs for 2019/12/07

Accidental theme: BUGs BUGs BUGs and also happy birthday me!  It’s a bit brief cause like usual I am working extra.


In Other BSDs for 2019/11/30

End of year events are starting to get scheduled; watch for one near you.

In Other BSDs for 2019/10/12

I’m sure there’s some recent stuff I missed; I will catch it in next week’s roundup.

In Other BSDs for 2019/10/05

There’s been a lot of BUG meetings lately; I think it’s time to form some more.

In Other BSDs for 2019/09/28

Note there’s several BUG meetings coming up.

Your book plug of the week: “Of course, if you don’t want to sponsor a book on SNMP I can’t blame you for that either. It’s a horrible topic that most of us would rather pretend didn’t exist.

In Other BSDs for 2019/09/21


In Other BSDs for 2019/09/14

Still a backlog, no matter how much I link.

In Other BSDs for 2019/09/07

I have an RSS backlog now.