If you are near New York City, NYCBUG’s InstallFest is happening just before 7 PM Wednesday at the usual Stone Creek bar meeting location. Go, see what strange hardware turns up.
I did all of this in a hour, because I had so many tabs saved from during the week. Don’t get overwhelmed!
- EuroBSDCon 2016 schedule has been released.
- OPNsense 16.7 released.
- 2016Q2 FreeBSD Status Report.
- SemiBUG has a Twitter. Here’s their last meeting, and the next is 8/23.
- August 3rd: NYCBUG Installfest. Go just to see what weird hardware shows up.
- Attacks against FreeBSD Update components. (via)
- How do I dual boot FreeBSD 10.3 with Windows 10?
- Steam on FreeBSD 11-CURRENT. (via)
- ZFS and RAID.
- OpenBSD 6.0 pre-orders up.
- OpenBSD 6.0 to be released September 1, 2016. (via)
- EuroBSDCon 2016 talks and tutorials. (via and via)
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/07/25.
- Why FreeBSD? by Hamza Sheikh.
- pfSense 2.3.2 is out.
- AWS VPN config supports pfSense 2.2.5+.
- FreeBSD 11 Beta2 is available.
- n2k16 hackathon report: Stefan Sperling on dhclient bugs, iwm(4) issues.
- Will switching to FreeBSD give me an advantage over Linux when it comes to gaming?
- Translation Status for 1.0.0. (Lumina)
- one reason to hate openbsd.
- Status of wireless support for MacBook Pro (late 2011)
- Am I doing it wrong?
- VirtualBox 5.x finally on FreeBSD.
- Some notes on our new generation of ZFS-based file servers.
- A Grand Experiment by Leo Laporte. Shifting to BSD. (via)
- Announcing PacBSD (Formerly named ArchBSD). (via)
- OpenBSD: Release Songs: 6.0: “Another Smash of the Stack”. (via)
Bonus DragonFly items, sent by Rolinh on IRC:
- Migrate UFS drive from FreeNAS to DragonFly BSD
- Ask HN: DragonflyBSD – Do anyone use it in production?
Off-the-beaten-path links this week. Strap in!
- The Superbook: Turn your smartphone into a laptop for $99. (via)
- Magnetic core memory reborn. (via)
- Countering Lawful Abuses of Digital Surveillance – Bunnie Huang.
- Why I’m Suing the US Government – also Bunnie Huang.
- Old, special phone numbers. I’ve used 800-444-4444 a lot when tracing lines.
- The Wanton Role-Playing (WaRP) and Mini-Six game systems. (via)
- Brief interviews with very small publishers. (via)
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names. (via)
- Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Phone Numbers. (via previous and here)
- A Practical Guide to (Correctly) Troubleshooting with Traceroute. A PDF, and infinitely useful. (via)
- I Can’t Believe I’m Saying This, But I Miss My CDs. (via I lost it, sorry)
- This used to be Ethernet. (via)
- turn up the hope (report from the HOPE convention from Ted Unangst)
- VimGIFs. (via)
- HyperTerm, an open-source in-browser terminal emulator. (via)
Your unrelated animated GIF of the week: Permanent Wink.
Adding a new “BUG” category, cause there’s enough ongoing BSD user group activity these days that it’s a reoccurring theme. That makes me happy.
- OPNsense 16.7-RC2 released.
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/07/18.
- Another Release of FreeBSD on the Horizon: My Thoughts.
- Why we use OpenBSD at VidiGuard.
- Thinking about switching from arch Linux to freebsd. I’m a complete bsd noob, pointers?
- Slides from Josh Grosse’s OpenBSD ports presentation at SemiBUG.
- New dmesg output from a variety of hardware. (via)
- EuroBSDCon 2016: registration is now open!
- PHP modules are now automatically enabled in pkgsrc.
Garbage 35 is up, with news about ChiBUG, an OpenBSD hackathon, and the ritual shaming of computer equipment.
HOPE starts today in New York City, and if you are going, there’s at least one BSD presence at the show that could use volunteers.
Lots of user group items this week.
- KnoxBUG has both July and August presentations planned – July 26th is the next, on cryptography and identity assurance.
- SemiBUG is looking for September+ presentations.
- NYCBUG’s RetroBSD and LiteBSD presentation is in 4 days, and there will be an instalfest on August 3rd.
- HOPE is July 22-24, and will have a BSD presence. (FreeBSD Foundation)
- “what are the disadvantages of using software like pfSense, vyos etc. over enterprise quality routers?“
- BSDs and Trim the SSD.
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/06/27.
- USENIX ATC 2016 Conference Recap.
- OPNSense 16.1.18 released, which I think is the last 16.1.* release.
- FreeBSD just in time.
- Samsung acquires Joyent. Joyent are big pkgsrc users. (via)
A good amount of user group material this week.
- Installfest, Spread the word at HOPE! BSD Installfest, July 22-24, New York City.
- Vote up if… Dragonfly should be on the Desktop!
- My BSDCan “OpenPAM & BSD” talk
- SNIA DSI Recap. Big numbers!
- NetBSD Introduction by Siju Oommen George.
- HardenedBSD vs OpenBSD. (via)
- Distrowatch reviews four more live upgrade methods, including PC-BSD and OpenBSD. (via)
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/06/20.
- BSD Magazine for May. (A little late, but this is the newest issue.)
- June meeting minutes from SemiBUG.
- If you want to install RetroBSD or LiteBSD at the July NYCBUG meeting, Brian Callahan has a list of hardware sources for you. (I did not know of Olimex before…)
If you didn’t already look at it, BSDNow’s summary of BSDCan events is worth going to; it’s complete enough I deliberately left BSDCan links out of here. Undeadly has an OpenBSD-specific summary too.
- ZFS: Apple’s New Filesystem That Wasn’t. Sorta-BSD. (via)
- The Ultimate NetBSD Router. (Thanks, Tobias)
- Shawn Webb Tells You All About HardenedBSD Project.
- Using FreeBSD as a File Server With ZFS. Online course.
- Latest issue of the FreeBSD Journal now available.
- 2016 FreeBSD Community Survey.
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/06/13.
- OPNsense 16.1.17 released.
- BSDCan 2016 Recap. From iXSystems.
- Lightly Experienced OS X and GNU/Linux User Looking to Learn [Free]BSD.
- Unik – The Unikernel Compilation and Deployment Platform (uses NetBSD’s Rump) (via)
- First image of someone trying to sell a commercial version of BSD 4.1 in 1982 (Fortune Systems 32:16)
- ART single thread performances. (via)
garbage[30] has BSDCan trip reports, OpenBSD news, and complaints about CVS, among other things. CVS is an easy target but I want to hear it.
BSDNow episode 146 is available, with an interview of Hans Petter Selasky about USB and FreeBSD. There’s also a nice collection of links to BSDCan material, including video from the event.
(Posting earlier than the usual ‘In Other BSDs’ content, because it’s happening tomorrow.)
NYCBUG is meeting tomorrow, June 15 at 18:45 Eastern time. It’ll be at Stone Creek Bar & Lounge, 140 E 27th St. in New York City. The speaker is Shawn Webb, and he’ll be talking about his HardenedBSD work in “Adventures in HardenedBSD”.
Really, last minute – assembled from random tabs I’ve been saving, late Friday.
- FreeBSD gets zfsd.
- Announcing NetBSD 7.0.1. (via)
- pfSense now boots on a new ARM board, the “uFW“. I assume it will be for sale soon. (via)
OpenBSD/armv7 now has a bootloader.Repeat link. (via)- Bhyve now with graphics support. (via)
- Ask HN: Do you use FreeBSD as web server? Why or why not?
- BSDCan Intro Session Volunteers Wanted
- W^X now mandatory in OpenBSD. Also here, here, and here, if you want to contrast commenting styles on the same story.
- Bruce Schneier’s Skein hashing function is now in FreeBSD. (via)
- Comparing FreeBSD’s upgrade method against Linux distros. (via)
- ARMv7 now has a bootloader.
- Deploying On Office / Workgroup Server on FreeBSD – Workshop eBook.
Fun links, this week.
- BCHS Stack – BSD, C, Httpd, SQLite. Fun! (via)
- How to chroot www/firefox on NetBSD. (via)
- misc@openbsd: ‘NSA addition to ifconfig’. (via)
- OpenBSD/loongson on the Lemote Yeeloong 8101B. (via)
- Comfort On The Command Line – A primer. Actually talks about the command line on multiple platforms including BSD, not just “here’s bash”. (via)
- Privilege Separation and Pledge. Slides and video.
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/05/23.
- OPNSense 16.1.15 released.
- OSCON 2016 Recap. From a BSD-vendor-centric point of view.
- BSDGame Sail. Comments have link right to BSD UNIX 4.3 pre-emulated for running on Windows.
- My FreeBSD Story. (Michael W. Lucas’s story, I mean.)
A reminder: Dru Lavigne is talking at KnoxBUG tomorrow (the 26th) at 6 PM. I’ve met Dru and she’s a good speaker with a wide range of experience – catch it if you are anywhere near.
A nice wide range of topics, again!
- Bletchley Park computers. (via)
- LITCAVE – one-man recreations of cc, vi, troff, x, and so on. (via)
- 50 Shades of Open. My pet peeve is when it’s used for a API to a closed source service. (via)
- Browsix – A Unix-Like Operating System for the Browser. (via)
- Clicky keyboard links.
- Unix on a…. ti-83+? (via)
- file considered harmful
- Pointer Overflow Checking.
- Keynotes from OSCON in Austin 2016.
- More details on hardware time protocols than you may ever have thought of.
- Dear Mommy Blogger. Some of that applies to this blog, too. I get some stupid offers for essentially paid articles here, and I avoid them. If I’m selling something, it’s cause it’s good BSD-related material or because I know the person. (via)
- Programming the ENIAC: an example of why computer history is hard. (via)
- Ask HN: What is an open-source alternative to Google Home?
Summer convention season is coming; start scheduling!
- Implementing pledge on linux using seccomp. (via)
- pkgsrcCon 2016 is in about a month and a half (July 2-3). They’re accepting talk proposals now, for lightning talks or extended presentations. (via kamil on EFNet #dragonflybsd)
- A review of FreeBSD 10.3’s new features. (via)
- BSD OS’ include GNU tools re-written for BSDL?
- Practicing ZFS storage failure quickly and easily with QEMU. On Linux, but could probably work the same on FreeBSD. (via)
- pfSense 2.3.1 is out.
- pkgsrc-security@ has a new GPG key.
- KnoxBUG’s next meeting is May 26th and Dru Lavigne is the guest speaker.
- OPNsense 16.1.14 released.
- p2k16 hackathon: pirofti@ on octeon and TPM and jasper@ on gnome, puppet and more.
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/05/16.
- FreeNAS vs TrueNAS.
- Hubert Feyrer’s recent NetBSD news roundup.
- *BSD on laptop, anyone?
BSDNow 142 is out. You might think the title is about Perl, the language, on BSD, but it’s because there’s an interview with FreeBSD developer Alfred Perlstein. I’m sure he gets that a lot. Among the other news on the episode is a note about ordering BSDNow shirts: do it today because it’s the last day they will be available! Also, you can order now and pick it up at BSDCan if you’re going to be there.
(I’m linking to the jupiterbroadcasting site because the bsdnow.tv site isn’t updated as of this writing.)
The SemiBUG presentation with Ike Levy speaking is tonight – go if you can!
Some DragonFly links are sneaking in here just to get them cleared out.
- May 17th: Ike Levy speaks at SemiBUG. Go if you are anywhere near; Ike’s a good speaker and passionate about BSD.
- Speaking of scheduling: BSDCan 2016 is less than a month away.
- Why OpenBSD Is Important to Me. (via)
- BSD Unix: Power to the people, from the code. (via)
- FreeBSD PowerPC 32bit pkg repository (unofficial). ~19,500 packages, more to come. (via)
- As a Linux user, where should I start with experimenting with BSD?
- DragonFly i915 driver updated to Linux 4.3. (via)
- DiscoverBSD for 2016/05/09.
- Cons of staying on an old -RELEASE version ?
- More p2k16: ajacoutot@ on Gnome, rc and rcctl improvements, krw@ on pdisk, softraid and more.
- SROP mitigation committed. (OpenBSD)
- The 50th Quarterly pkgsrc Release, pkgsrc-2016Q1. Also, stats.
- Thomas Levine’s notes from the recent NYCBUG presentation on Urchin.
- NetBSD on the Sega Dreamcast, presented on a Dreamcast.
- How BSD was built, and how it lost the lead to Linux.
- Running Tor in a NetBSD rump unikernel. (via)
- Running FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NetBSD as a virtualised guest on Online.net.
- Meet Joe Maloney – Lead System Architect for PC-BSD. I like the transition from volunteer to employee.
- LinuxFest Northwest 2016: The Devil in the Details: Switching to BSD from Linux. Apparently one of the most popular videos.