That’s Non Uniform Memory Architecture, and John Baldwin is talking about how it works on FreeBSD, tonight/now, in New York City for NYCBUG. There’s several more events this month with NYCBUG, so look at the announcement for tonight’s location and more dates.
This includes all the BSD material I didn’t have time to get posted last week. I hope you have some time for reading today; there is a lot here.
- Royal activity affecting your open source files.
- Windows guest support (or at least the start of it) in bhyve.
- Bad memory blacklisting in FreeBSD. I’d be worried about keeping partially bad RAM in place, but this is probably being used on a larger scale.
- 25 year old col bug, fixed.
- The start of NUMA support in FreeBSD.
- Alpine POC and Routerboard support in FreeBSD.
- FreeBSD now supports more than 8 audio channels.
- NetBSD is starting to gain EdgeRouter support.
- NetBSD gains in-kernel splash screen support.
- Openresolv 3.7 is in both FreeBSD and NetBSD.
- EU study recommends OpenBSD. (Thanks, PCTF)
- Now, sshd in OpenBSD defaults to ‘PermitRootLogin=no‘ (like in DragonFly!)
- Device Developer’s Conference, happening in the UK over the next month or so. (via openbsd-misc)
- OpenBSD has released, shipped, and there’s some discs with errors being replaced, though there’s a workaround.
- From 0 to an OpenBSD install, with no hands and a custom disk layout. (via)
- Livingston County, Michigan has a BSD user group starting up.
- PC-BSD 10.2.1-RC1 comments.
- BSDCon Brazil 2015 has a call for papers out.
- New to BSD, Questions about Firewall configuration.
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/05/11.
- A week of pkgsrc #10.
- PC-BSD 11.0-CURRENTMAY2015 images now available
- Yes, You Can Virtualize FreeNAS
- pfSense is now available as a “VMware Ready Virtual Firewall Appliance“.
- Michael W. Lucas’s Tarsnap talk is online.
- As is the cover to his upcoming FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS book.
- BSDTalk 253 has 30 minutes of conversation with George Neville-Neil about “The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System”, 2nd edition.
I’ve already mentioned the Hammer2/OpenBSD Summer of Code project (one of several), but here’s more:
- The April issue of BSD Magazine is out.
- OpenBSD on an iBook G4
- Midnight BSD 0.6 is out.
- OpenBSD 5.7 is out.
- Lumina Desktop 0.8.4 is out.
- PC-BSD 10.1.2 RC1 is out.
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/04/27.
- FreeBSD project report for 2015Q1.
- Hacking “/ on ZFS” and GELI Encrypted Drives, the Old-School Way
- Michael W. Lucas is giving a “Tarsnap talk” at on May 12 to match his book.
- vBSDCon is happening September 11-13 in Reston, VA.
(No mailing list links this week; I’m way behind in my reading because of work. Sorry!)
It’s been a relatively calm week, for once.
- New Delhi has a BSD user group. (via)
- PC-BSD and 4K — Oh my!
- Is nvidia the best option for gaming on FreeBSD?
- EuroBSDCon 2015 has extended the time for paper submission, cause they have so much to work through.
- Hipster keyboard layout on NetBSD
- The pkgsrc-security GPG key has changed.
- Binary packages of pkgsrc-2015Q1 for illumos and OS X are available.
- I like cross–pollination.
- PC-BSD can now restore encrypted volumes over iSCSI.
- Two more mentions of OpenBSD (though any should work) on Vultr.
- Better OpenBSD performance on KVM via x2apic mode.
- OpenBSD rolls their own file(1).
- OpenBSD has W^X support for i386 userland now.
- 2-factor authorization on FreeBSD. (via)
- My switch to OpenBSD, first impressions (via)
- Microsoft .NET Running on FreeBSD 10.1/amd64 (via)
If you’re part of a BSD user group, please let me know your schedule. I’m able to catch NYCBUG announcements cause I’m on their announce@ mailing list – but I could use more.
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/03/30.
- Lumina 0.8.3 is released.
- Building PC-BSD Utilities From Source. (video)
- BSD Magazine for March.
- Directly building FreeBSD AMI images.
- FreeBSD daily status reports, a little more human-readable.
- 4 new commands in FreeBSD DDB.
- The FreeBSD boot loader can now take your GELI passphrase.
- A probably definitive answer on OpenBSD and clang.
- pf tables mean no reloading.
- BSD contributor Paul Schenkveld has died.
- If you are in the UK, there’s a mini OpenBSD ports hackathon happening now.
- NetBSD systems can now resize / on reboot, if space is available.
- LibreSSL in pkgsrc, soon.
- NYCBUG’s next meeting is April 8th, with Christos Zoulas presenting blacklistd.
Not done in a last-minute rush before the weekend, yay! Done early cause I have to work over the weekend, boo!
- Tarsnap Mastery is out in print form. (as is author Michael Lucas’s newest sci-fi)
- Active Directory and FreeBSD. Might apply to all BSDs? (via)
- GhostBSD 10.1-alpha1 is out. (via)
- pfSense 2.2.1 is out.
- making security sausage. “Even if most users will just run yummi-gummi-belli-rubrub or whatever to install binary fixes, they should be able to inspect the changes.” I just like that package manager name.
- What differences would I notice when using BSD?
- Suggestions for honeypotting on BSD?
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/03/16.
- virtio on FreeBSD now works asynchronously.
- OpenBSD papers from AsiaBSDCon 2015 are up.
- Martin Pieuchot could use some OpenBSD hardware.
- OpenSSH 6.8 is out.
- Home server rack suggestions. Includes perennial favorite, the LackRack.
- How to format your diffs for OpenBSD.
- Good; they’re talking to each other.
- The pkgsrc-2015Q1 freeze is on.
NYCBUG is having a book release event for “The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System” with George Neville-Neil, one of the authors. It’s happening tomorrow night, at the Stone Creek Bar & Lounge: 140 E 27th St. George Neville-Neil will be talking about DTrace, and there’s copies of the book to buy/win.
The just-posted BSDTalk 251 is 47 minutes long, and comes from vBSDCon 2013, with three people interviewed about Verisign and FreeBSD.
Well, this week just sort of took off for BSD links.
- FreeBSD on the POWER8: It’s alive! (via)
- Freenas and ESXI-Vmware snapshots
- PHP 5.3 and Ruby 1.8.7 appear to be on the way out of pkgsrc.
- PC-BSD gains a sort of automatic TOR-mode.
- OpenBSD Foundation 2014/2015 newsletter.
- OpenBSD 5.7 on Minnowboard Max.
- Aww, no more punchcard utilities.
- FreeBSD has some upgrades around tape utilities.
- Installworld… installcloud?
- “If you work for a lottery and you’re using random(3) to select the winning numbers, please let me know.“
- uefisign(8), a UEFI Secure Boot signing utility.
- pkg in pkgsrc. (via)
- “How can I crate a bootable BSD via GNU/Linux?“
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/02/23.
- ZFS, and How to Make a Foot Cannon.
- A week of pkgsrc #7.
- BSDCan proposals and rejections.
- NetBSD on IBM’s SoftLayer and Microsoft’s Azure and more
A late update: NYCBUG’s upcoming meetings and presentations, with the next one on March 4th, this week. If you have a local BSD user group, I would like to know about it!
BSDNow 078 is up with more BSD Foundation interviews. It’s not a sequel, but a switch: the last one was with a FreeBSD Foundation member, and this week’s episode is with Ken Westerback of the OpenBSD Foundation. There’s the normal added news, too, with a description of what’s coming at BSDCan 2015.
There’s some DragonFly material in here, though I normally confine that to the rest of the week. It’s inextricable from the rest of the links.
- Setting up an OpenBSD mail server. (via)
- FreeBSD-current users, regenerate your keys. (fixed)
- Using OpenBSD and vxlan to overlay remote lans. (via)
- A Prediction: 2020 the year of (PC-)BSD on the desktop. (also)
- “Has Linux lost its way?” (via) (also)
- DiscoverBSD news for 2015/02/16.
- Curious if FreeBSD or any other BSD district would work better on a MacBook pro?
- Which
- Am I taking a realistic route to learning more about internals? (hey, it’s DragonFly!)
- Speaking of which: cross–pollination.
- More cross-pollination, and surprise from me; I didn’t know USB video link worked on any BSD.
- The m0n0wall project has ended.
- The end of ‘games’ as a separate object on FreeBSD.
- Tetris: still changing.
- autonet – simple automatic wifi chooser on OpenBSD.
- pkgsrc binaries as an exit strategy from systemd.
- IPFW now the default firewall (and on) in PC-BSD.
- The updated roadmap to 1.0.0 for Lumina, PC-BSD’s desktop environment, to go with the 0.8.2 release.
- s2k15 hackathon report.
If you’re in/near New York City, NYCBUG has a meeting tonight with Issac (.ike) Levy presenting “Life with an OpenBSD Laptop“.
Short week this week, mostly due to a lack of interesting source changes.
- Learn Unix the Hard Way. Actually OpenBSD and nothing except a table of contents yet. (via)
- How not to upgrade your systems.
- Linux vs. BSD: which should you use? Nothing new discovered here. (via)
- PC-BSD 10.1.1-RC1 Now Available.
- Some upcoming BSD-related books from Michael Lucas.
- NYCBUG events for January and February.
- Extracting pkgsrc packages without packages. (saves time with NFS)
- FreeBSD and Vagrant. (via nycbug-talk mailing list)
- Make PC-BSD work like Windows.
- Lumina 0.8.1 is out.
- urndis(4) is how you tether OpenBSD to a phone; or use it as a hotspot.
- There’s a BSD meetup happening February 19th in Hannover, Germany.
Normally I’d hold this off until the In Other BSDs item on Saturday, but by then it will be too late: There’s a “Building redundant and transparent firewalls with OpenBSD” presentation happening at the Scottish Linux User’s Group meeting, Thursday night in Glasgow, Scotland.
Not sure how I ended up with so many interesting conference links. There’s some substantial reading here too, so clear your schedule.
- A long-overdue update of the Cluetrain Manifesto. (via)
- AWS Tips I Wish I’d Known Before I Started. (via)
- Secure Secure Shell. (via)
- Hacking a Gameboy with a speedrun bot to program new games. It’s hard to wrap my brain around. (via)
- Operating System development in Rust.
- Speaking of which, Rust just reached 1.0A. (via)
- Improving your PuTTY connections.
- The Intel Compute stick looks fun.
- RIPE70 is in Amsterdam in March; the Call for Papers is out.
- NANOG 63 is in Texas at the start of February; registration and the agenda are up.
- Vintage Computer Fest East 10 is in April in New Jersey. It’s hands-on – you get to run the old computers! (via)
- CiE 2015, a cross-disciple conference in late June in Bucharest, also may interest you. (via)
- The Millennial Literalist.
- Robots are starting to break the law and nobody knows what to do about it. (via)
- Event Notify Test Runner, or entr. Runs arbitrary commands when a file changes. It was also talked about at the NYCBUG meeting that just happened.
- Moving Beyond TCP/IP.
- This program is the equivalent of ENIAC. Really! They’re both for calculating ballistics. (also via)
- The Tears of Donald Knuth. (via multiple places)
- When The Sky Is Falling. DDOS mitigation, in slides. (via)
- The Morris Worm, as a physical artifact.
I got this done early, for once.
- Dissecting OpenBSD’s divert(4). (via)
- Running ownCloud with httpd on OpenBSD (via)
- OpenBSD 2014 by the numbers. (via)
- Code rot & OpenBSD. Many comments at the original link. (via)
- Accessing radio hardware switches in NetBSD.
- What does this Etherswitch framework do?
- FreeBSD now has Elf Tool Chain utilities, which appears to be BSD-licensed versions of binutils; possibly more?
- FreeBSD is now on Gnome 3.
- BSDCan 2015’s Call For Papers is out.
- NYCBUG is meeting January 13th at a new location for “Designing Versatile Unix Utilities“, presented by Eric Radman.
- There’s a new BSD user group in the Albany, NY area.
- BSD Magazine for December 2014 is out. (via)
The BSDNow people aren’t slowing down for the holidays, as there’s another episode this week. The interview is with Dan Langille, about the 2015 BSDCan conference. He’s also the person behind, which served as partial inspiration for the Digest. There’s also more video presentation links, news items, and so on.
BSDNow isn’t slowing down for Christmas, cause there’s a new episode up. There’s two interviews this time – Erwin Lansing, about BSD in Europe, and Cristina Vintila, about BSD conferences. The rest of the episode is a bunch of “How did you get into BSD?” stories from viewers, both in text (i.e. read out from email) and the occasional video answer.
BSDNow 068 has a large number video links to various BSD conference videos, a bunch of other article links,, and an interview of Michael W. Lucas about his new FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials book.
I have been building up quite the variety this week.
- Bitrig 1.0 has been released.
- Writing NetBSD Sound Drivers in Haskell. (PDF, via)
- ruBSD 2014, happening December 13th in Moscow. (via)
- How to configure full disk encryption in PC-BSD 10.1. (via)
- BSD Magazine for November 2014. (via) Why don’t they put new issue announcements in their RSS?
- A week of pkgsrc #5.
- FreeBSD Foundation’s 2014 year-end fundraising.
- FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials is hitting the printers. There’s a quiet mention of the next two books in that series, too.
- Two new kernel errata for OpenBSD.
- BSDCan 2015 (June 2015) has opened up its call for papers, now through Jan 19th, 2015. (via)
- A conversation about UTF-8, Unicode, and file systems.
- A conversation about random vs. phrase passwords.
- New Directions in Operating Systems conference notes. Lots of BSD stuff in there. (via)
- nih-0.13.0 is out for pkgsrc.
- BSD presentations (including DragonFly) at the X Developers Conference. I mentioned the event itself before, but that link wasn’t open to non-subscribers until later, as pointed out to me.
- Coreboot on the BSDs.
- More talk about embedded OpenBSD on cheap machines, including thin client machines repurposed into routers.
- Noticed in that previous link: <$100 Ubuquiti EdgeRouter-Lites can run OpenBSD? FreeBSD too, apparently.
- Is it time to give BSDs a try?
- Fixing PC-BSD upgrade issues.