Convention addendum

I’ve got a buildup of convention dates to mention, so I’ll do it now: John Marino, one of the folks behind dports, is talking about Ada and BSD at FOSDEM, in Brussels, February 1-2.   George Neville-Neil is talking about BSD to NYLUG in of course New York City, on I think February 13th.  Ike Levy will be talking to the Tokyo FreeBSD Benkyokai Group, on February 17th, about pfSense.  And of course, NYCBSDCon is happening February 8th, and I think I’ll be there.

In Other BSDs for 2013/12/14

Another week where I could get away without any commit links, just cause there’s so much BSD stuff out there.

In Other BSDs for 2013/11/30

A lighter week for commits probably because of the U.S. holiday, but still plenty of things to link.

In Other BSDs for 2013/11/23

I’m working my way up to more than just links to source for the cross-BSD news.  There’s a lot to swim through!

In Other BSDs for 2013/11/16

Not as much pulled directly from the source lists this time, which is good.


In Other BSDs for 2013/10/05

Less straight source links this week.

Related to DragonFly: Patrick Welche updated glib2 in pkgsrc, and is interested in hearing how it works for DragonFly users.  If you have pkgsrc on your system and it’s not a quarterly release, try building t.

vBSDCon speaker/presentation list

I don’t think I saw it before, but there’s a list of speakers and events up for vBSDCon.  There’s no DragonFly-specific talks, but there is a presentation from Baptiste Daroussin, one of the people behind pkgNG, which is used to create parts of DragonFly’s dports framework.

It’s positive to see a BSD conference sponsored by a company that’s not selling a BSD-specific product.  It’s happening in about a month and a half, October 25-27, in Dulles, VA.

In Other BSDs: 2013/08/31

I need to update this post during the week as I see stuff, or else I spend an hour rushing to get it all together before Satuday.  I need to start watching PC-BSD src changes, too.

vBSDCon registration open

Registration is open for vBSDCon, happening in Dulles, Virginia, USA, on October 25th through 27th. There’s some neat-sounding presentations listed.

I think that is the same location where I went to a rather spectacular pre-dotcom-crash presentation from Time Warner/Road Runner back in 1999.  The hotel was great; the presenters were befuddled.  An internal account manager ran up a $3,000 bar tab in one night on a company credit card…  I still have the fancy Guinness glass he bought me.  I don’t think this convention will work exactly the same way, but unlike my 1999 trip, the speakers at this one will actually know what they are talking about.