If you’d like to set a particular sysctl(8), you enter it into /etc/sysctl.conf. A common mistake is to copy the command line and put “sysctl foo=bar” in sysctl.conf instead of “foo=bar”. This used to cause a warning, but it still bit people, as it would cause a long stream of error messages during boot – with no clear reason, as the kernel tried to understand the command. Now, that typo is handled automatically.
Two links I yoinked from conversation in EFNet #dragonflybsd: there’s a “powersave” power management page on dragonflybsd.org that for some reason wasn’t linked in the main documentation page. I fixed that, and you may want to look at it and change your mwait settings, or look at the corepower(4) module. (From ivadasz’s comments; thanks!)
There’s also an older page on DragonFly and grub2 that may be interesting to anyone looking to boot. (From aly’s comments; thanks!)
I usually get all happy when I see sharing happen across BSDs, and note it here. Here’s an unexpected one: between DragonFly and Haiku.
On your next DragonFly upgrade, watch the end of your ‘make upgrade’ output. You may have some deprecated files, especially if your system has been upgraded through several releases.
= You have 11 now deprecated files.
= Once you are sure that none of your third party (ports or local)
= software are still using them, rerun with REMOVE_DEPRECATED set.
The now-deprecated files will be listed just before this warning. They aren’t removed automatically in case there’s installed software still linking to them. If you are running only dports software, and are up to date with all of it, you are probably fine to remove these files:
If you have software you compiled yourself some time ago, it may have linked to these old files. One way to search for that would be to use find to find all executable files that are in particular directories, and then use ldd to see what shared libraries are used by each executable:
find /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin -type f -perm +a+x -print -exec ldd {} \;
… and then grep for the names of the deprecated files. You’ll get a bunch of “not a dynamic executable” errors when you do this because it’s a rough example I did for this post, but you can always pipe the stdout of the command to a file and review later. If you do turn up any executables linked to the deprecated files – recompile!
(If you have a better find string or strategy, please comment.)
Eerielinux has a new Ravenports article: Ravenports explained: Why not just join XYZ? I am linking it now because it’s DragonFly related, but it does touch on all the BSDs. It reviews the reasons for Ravenports – and its competitive advantages, if you look at it a certain way. It’s a followup to the Ravenports update and review linked here previously.
DragonFly 5.4.1 is out, just in time for Christmas. My users@ post describes upgrading, as do the 5.4 release notes. The changes in this version are in the tag commit, which can be summed up as “keyboard fix, dhcpcd support, HAMMER2 improvement”.
Images are available for download at various mirrors, too. If you’ve recently upgraded to 5.4, it’s the normal build process.
I had a lot of tabs to close, if you can’t tell.
- ClonOS 18.12 BETA1. I didn’t know this existed.
- Next NYCBUG meeting: January 2, with a presentation on OpenBSD from Brian Callahan.
- FOSSJobs. I don’t like the acronym, but I’m not going to complain if it gets someone good work. (via)
- Running NetBSD on DEC VAX on SIMH on Raspberry Pi. Video. (via)
- The Future of ZFS in FreeBSD. (Via many places) I don’t like the notion that the BSD implementation of ZFS is now going to be at the very best, only equal to what’s on Linux. That makes it no longer a compelling choice.
- OpenBSD song 6.2: A 3 line diff. (via)
- OpenRC on FreeBSD. (via)
- FreeNAS 11.2 out. (via)
- Related: December FreeNAS Plugins Updates.
- SoloBSD 12-STABLE.
- Stable release: HardenedBSD-stable 12-STABLE v1200058. (via)
- OpenBSD Errata: December 22nd, 2018 (pcbopts). (via)
- Grafana + InfluxDB fun on DragonFly BSD. Okay okay not other BSD.
- Problem booting after upgrading to [DragonFly] 5.4. The story has a happy ending.
- The Super Capsicumizer 9000. (via)
- What are you using for a simple GUI TextEdit/Notepad? The usual suspects of nvi/emacs show up, but there’s a lot more options listed.
- Reducing the delta with upstream version of sanitizers. (via)
- Python Development on BSD.
- Using the GOG.com installers for Linux, on NetBSD. (via)
- Torchlight 2 on NetBSD *almost* works!
- NetBSD desktop pt.5: automounting with Berkeley am-utils. (via)
- Valuable News – 2018/12/14, Valuable News – 2018/12/21.
- Standards. “There is no standard version of the tar program.” Linked with early BSD history, of course. (via)
- telnet, still being a problem. (via)
- protectli router.
- de facto vs de jure maintenance.
- The NetBSD support update before the LLVM-8.0 branching point. (via)
I like seeing someone’s install notes – in this case, DragonFly, followed by XFCE and MATE. You can tell what someone considers the most important packages, cause they always come first. There’s video too. (via)
As planned, there will be a 5.4. 1 release for DragonFly. Matthew Dillon’s work on HAMMER2 will be in there, as will be a fix for keyboard attachment and updates from Aaron LI on dhcpcd support. I will tag and build this weekend, so it’ll be just in time for Christmas.
I didn’t get a chance to mention this before release: script(1) has had a refresh, now sharing more options with the FreeBSD version. The update is in DragonFly-master and in the 5.4 release.
If you happen to have a Intel Centrino advanced 6035 wireless card, it now works on DragonFly, thanks to Tobias Heilig.
This week’s BSD Now covers assembly on OpenBSD, games on FreeBSD, and disk space on DragonFly.
I uploaded the current 5.4 release candidate – there’s an ISO and an IMG file, though your local mirror may be a better place to get it than those links. Or just wait; I think the release won’t be long.
Note that I was smart for once and named it ‘rc1’, so if there’s another release candidate, it can be named ‘rc2’. I used ‘rc’ in previous releases and was never sure if I should name a second candidate rc1, rc2…
Bear with me; this is the history: wpa_supplicant is the program DragonFly uses to connect to most wireless networks. It’s been part of the base system for some time, but if you start it up, you will see a warning (at boot time) about how this version is deprecated. Installing from dports puts a newer version in place.
As is the case with most third-party include in any operating system’s base, there’s always lag between the newest version of software and what’s been included in. Dependencies creep in, or it’s duplicated work between packaging and basic OS maintenance, etc. (Who here used Perl on FreeBSD 4? That was frustrating, but a good example here.) Anyway, the dilemma is that since wpa_supplicant is a program that may be required in order to get online, it must be in the base install. However, since it has / had vulnerabilities, it must be updated. The base install doesn’t update as fast as the origin of the software, and there’s the mismatch.
All that’s a long explanation as to why network/wpa_supplicant is now on the DragonFly install CD, and gets automatically used if installed. Thanks for Aaron LI and Matthew Dillon for making it happen. The base package is still there, in case someone deletes their installed ports and needs to get online before they can reinstall. This is in master now and will be in the 5.4 release.
I tagged the first release candidate for DragonFly 5.4 last night. The commit message has summary lines from all the commits in this release, if you want to go through them – or wait for the release notes. I’m happy to see some new-to-me committer names in there, too.
If you were looking to run DragonFly on the same disk as another operating system, Dr. Martin Ivanov has advice for you. Similarly, karu.pruun and Pierre-Alain TORET also have something on EFI booting.
I’m actually surprised this wasn’t already there: Aaron Li added terminfo entries for tmux and tmux-256color into DragonFly’s terminfo(5) file. I’ve been using tmux without issue for some time on DragonFly… but I may not be exercising it as hard as I could.
We’re overdue for 5.4 to be released. New releases are due every 6 months; I lost track! I plan to work on tagging and building over the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday later this week.
Aaron LI has brought dhcpcd into DragonFly-current, as a replacement to dhclient(8) and rtsold(8). dhclient does support IPv6 but it’s bundled with server and BIND applications, so it’s harder to support.
There’s a section of the DragonFly website (a wiki) that records success with various laptops and DragonFly. The latest addition: Lenovo IdeaPad Y500.