According to Tomohiro Kusumi, libfuse compiles on DragonFly. This is only one-half of the equation, however. Kernel-side FUSE needs to be ported in order to use FUSE-based filesystems, so there’s a project ripe for the taking…
I branched DragonFly 5.2 last night, and built a release candidate, which should be available at most any mirror by now. If no surprises turn up, the release should be this weekend or a little after, because of the holiday.
Welcome the newest committer to DragonFly: Aaron LI!
One of these links is a warning, but you won’t know until it’s too late.
- OPNSense 18.1.5 released.
- Happy 25th birthday NetBSD!
- NetBSD 7.1.2 out.
- Gaming on DFly.
- ed(1) is Turing-Complete. (via)
- Email Configuration for plan9 Acme on OpenBSD. (via)
- Dolch PAC 64.
- “SSH Mastery, 2nd ed” in hardcover.
- An Introduction to Jails and Jail Networking. (via)
- SCaLE 16x: Open is Still the Answer.
- BSDCan 2018 – selected talks. needs more DragonFly
BSDStats was in DragonFly as a default-to-disabled rc script. It’s been removed. It’s still available, and updatable, in the form of the dport. The website should have more info about what it does. (though the site appears to be down right now)
If no surprises happen, the release candidate for DragonFly 5.2 will be built this weekend.
The first news item about pfSense is not necessarily new, but new to me.
- The next major release of pfSense is going to be significantly different. (other info)
- OpenBSD Gaming Resource,
PDFdocument from a previous comment here. - PkgsrcCon 2018. (via)
- What is your experience with Dragonfly as a user desktop?
- speaking at 10 April 2018.
- FreeBSD to be Featured at SCaLE 16x.
- 8 months with TrueOS. (via)
- This Tuesday at SemiBUG: QubeOS vs OpenBSD.
- NetBSD Spectre/Meltdown summary. (via)
- Not merging stuff from FreeBSD-HEAD into production branches, or “hey FreeBSD-HEAD should just be production”
- Quickly build and test applications across different BSD kernels with tonixxx.
- *BSD projects and Google Summer of Code.
- Broadcom 43xx 1.0 driver for MBP mid 2014.
- OPNsense 18.1.4 released.
Aaron LI wrote a tool to update a running DragonFly system from an existing image – release or snapshot. I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s very promising. It’s up on Github so if this gets you excited, you know what to do.
This is a sort of nice non-report report, cause EFI booting just works fine, as you’d hope/expect.
Sepherosa Ziehau presented on DragonFly’s network stack at the just-concluded AsiaBSDCon 2018. He posted a link to the badges, his paper, and his slides.
If you are using virtio drivers, there’s no longer a need for ‘device virtio_pci’ in your kernel config. It’s autoloaded as a dependency. If you run a custom kernel, remember to take it out. You’ll want to do that now if you’re on 5.1, or later at the next version upgrade if you are on 5.0.
The cdce(4) driver has been ported to DragonFly from FreeBSD, by Markus Pfeiffer. It’s for networking over USB, whether it’s USB on both ends or Ethernet on one.
The first link about TorBSD is important: many of the major security issues in computing trace back to having only one vendor or product or whatever, used by everyone.
- An Open Letter to BSD-powered Companies and Projects. (via)
- NetBSD GPU support (Intel HD 4400).
- Device Driver Development for BSD.
- Hypervisor on dfly?
- Unfortunately, StackOverflow is a difficult-to-avoid site nowadays… Man pages don’t have this issue. (via)
- “Virtual machine templates for BSD flavours“. Includes DragonFly. (via)
- Mac OS versus FreeBSD: A Comparative Evaluation. Might be paywalled. (via)
- 44CON 2018 CFP Is Open. A security conference in the UK, later this year – not a 4.4 BSD conference that has somehow lasted multiple decades, darnit. However, the source link notes a need for OpenBSD material.
- A long two months. “On Friday we saw the patches Matthew Dillon put together for DragonFlyBSD for the first time. These were the first patches for KPTI that were very straightforward to read and understand, and applied to a BSD-derived kernel that was similar to those I’m accustomed to working on.” Hey, nice credit. (via)
- Pledge: OpenBSD’s defensive approach to OS Security. (via)
- NetBSD proposal for stop-the-world syscall. (via)
If you are using gpt(8) to format a disk, Matthew Dillon’s added a “init” option. It’s similar to ‘fdisk -Ib’, though don’t ask me how to use it because I have always been bad at manual disk formatting.
The default options on the math/py-numpy port slowed it down. Francois Tigeot noticed, and committed a change that takes advantage of all processors. Read his note to users@ for details.
For your Monday entertainment: the boot log from DragonFly on a system with 11 sockets, 10 cores per socket, for 110 CPUs. Plus 8 TB of RAM.
(Skip past the control codes at the start)
Another across-the-BSDs week.
- What’s Next for Feature Development in FreeNAS/TrueNAS?
- Description of the 1969 proto-Unix system based on a 2812 line PDP-7 assembly kernel. (via)
- The Known Costs of Security Embargoes.
- Military Grade Data Wiping In FreeBSD With BCWipe.
- “Has Linux lost its way?” comments prompt Debian developer to revisit FreeBSD after 20 years. (via)
- Christos Zoulas’s recent NYCBUG talk on reproducible builds in NetBSD is now available as video.
- How do I make quiet build/compile server for home ?
- Libreoffice failing to start after upgrade to 40m0(Build:2) (on NetBSD).
- Question about a distro.
- Every Journey Starts with a FAIL. (via)
- Meltdown fix committed by guenther@. Note the DragonFly cross-pollination.
Oh, hey, that’s a nice thing to say. (via tuxillo on EFNet #dragonflybsd)
Remember: there’s a separate document about porting FreeBSD drivers to DragonFly. I note it cause it’s useful and because Rimvydas Jasinskas just updated it.