DragonFly donations

DragonFly has a donation page and a Paypal account.  There’s no 501c3 benefit for U.S. residents to donate; DragonFly doesn’t exist as a non-profit.  People have still been donating in smaller sums over time.  It’s not enough to offset the colocation fees ($4k/year) plus the hardware there, but the money does get used for specific tasks.  Matthew Dillon wrote a description of his upcoming plans: more storage, plus some interesting details on how much wear the existing SSD disks have sustained.

In Other BSDs for 2017/12/09

Last minute, as always!

Remember: don’t kldload i915 too soon

I just wasted an hour trying to figure out why xorg had strange output but no errors on this laptop, and it’s because I had i915_load=”YES” in /boot/loader.conf instead of i915_load=”YES” in /etc/rc.conf.  I’m almost nearly sure I’ve mentioned that before, but if not: here you go.

(though if you never plan to run X, you can put it in loader.conf and everything will just work.)

(Title updated for a more correct sentence)