Tomohiro Kusumi has been quietly making a lot of commits to Hammer. I haven’t been linking them because they don’t necessarily equate to new features, but here’s an recent exception: the -A argument will make your Hammer command run on every PFS. It only affects reblocking/rebalancing – for now.
It’s been a relatively calm week, for once.
- New Delhi has a BSD user group. (via)
- PC-BSD and 4K — Oh my!
- Is nvidia the best option for gaming on FreeBSD?
- EuroBSDCon 2015 has extended the time for paper submission, cause they have so much to work through.
- Hipster keyboard layout on NetBSD
- The pkgsrc-security GPG key has changed.
- Binary packages of pkgsrc-2015Q1 for illumos and OS X are available.
- I like cross–pollination.
- PC-BSD can now restore encrypted volumes over iSCSI.
- Two more mentions of OpenBSD (though any should work) on Vultr.
- Better OpenBSD performance on KVM via x2apic mode.
- OpenBSD rolls their own file(1).
- OpenBSD has W^X support for i386 userland now.
- 2-factor authorization on FreeBSD. (via)
- My switch to OpenBSD, first impressions (via)
- Microsoft .NET Running on FreeBSD 10.1/amd64 (via)
You can now export Hammer slave volumes as NFS mounts – but since slave volumes are updated from master, you’re mounting a snapshot of that point in time. That may actually be an advantage.
DragonFly builds two compilers by default. If you weren’t interesting in building both, there were switches to build only the default, like NO_GCC47. This changed with every compiler update.
With the switch to GCC 5, the new switch is “NO_ALTCOMPILER”. That will last through compiler changes. I’m mentioning this now because sooner or later, you’ll want to gain back some time on a buildworld.
DragonFly now has GCC 5.1 release. If you are running DragonFly master (i.e. 4.1), you’ll probably want to both rebuild world and kernel, and update your packages so they all match. There’s already packages built with GCC 5.1, so binary package upgrades can happen quickly. There’s GCC 4.7 packages still available if you aren’t making the jump yet.
If you’re on DragonFly 4.0.x – nothing’s changed.
I’m late posting about these, but they go together: Sepherosa Ziehau has added the ability to read CPU temperature through various sysctls, and the same for DIMM temperature readings.
Matthew Dillon bought a system with a Broadwell series CPU, installed DragonFly, and wrote up his experience. Read it if you plan on purchasing this hardware any time soon.
Here’s some comments from Matthew Dillon on page coloring in DragonFly; a topic that comes up every year for some reason.
The release candidate for GCC5 (5.1.0) is out, and it’s in DragonFly too. It’s not yet switched over to run as the default – that’ll require the release.
The default compiler in DragonFly is going to change over from GCC 4.7 to GCC 5.x very soon, to match the GCC 5.1 release. This means that packages built for DragonFly-master won’t be compatible with the old ones. You will need to reinstall packages when you next ‘pkg install’. John Marino has an extensive writeup detailing what’s needed, and the actual change is some days off.
If you are using DragonFly 4.0.x (the release), this doesn’t affect you at all.
Francois Tigeot has a new update to the drm/i915 driver for testing. It matches, feature-wise, what’s in Linux 3.12. Try it if you’ve got the hardware. (and dragonfly-master)
I have had trouble with my daily/weekly periodic reports never making it to my GMail account. Sascha Wildner pointed out to me that periodic.conf has its own answer already:
… and newsyslog is already set to take care of them. There’s more in the periodic.conf man page.
There’s been some linking to the updated HAMMER2 design document. The Reddit link doesn’t have anything specific, but the Hacker News one has some details (including a credit code!) for installing DragonFly on a Vultr VPS.
Noticed in the most recent time zone data update for DragonFly: some people keep Mars time.
The most recent (well, this is the mostest recent) update of ACPICA for DragonFly, by Sascha Wildner, is different from the usual import: it happens to include actual upstream support for DragonFly
This week’s BSDNow talks with Baptiste Daroussin about developing and using pkg, for ports and for packaging the base FreeBSD system. (Baptiste has been seen on #dragonflybsd, since pkg is on DragonFly, so I’m sure there’s some relevant bits there, too.) There’s also the usual news summary.
I haven’t been drawing enough attention to it, but there’s been a bunch of HAMMER filesystem activity lately: First, Tomohiro Kusumi has been working on HAMMER – these posts are a small subset of his commits. Second, Matthew Dillon has been working full steam ahead on HAMMER2. The HAMMER2 design document has been updated (read this!), and he’s already accomplished master->slave disk syncing.
It’s not ready for production, of course, which you may already realize, so don’t install it unless you want to work on the code.
If you’re part of a BSD user group, please let me know your schedule. I’m able to catch NYCBUG announcements cause I’m on their announce@ mailing list – but I could use more.
- DiscoverBSD for 2015/03/30.
- Lumina 0.8.3 is released.
- Building PC-BSD Utilities From Source. (video)
- BSD Magazine for March.
- Directly building FreeBSD AMI images.
- FreeBSD daily status reports, a little more human-readable.
- 4 new commands in FreeBSD DDB.
- The FreeBSD boot loader can now take your GELI passphrase.
- A probably definitive answer on OpenBSD and clang.
- pf tables mean no reloading.
- BSD contributor Paul Schenkveld has died.
- If you are in the UK, there’s a mini OpenBSD ports hackathon happening now.
- NetBSD systems can now resize / on reboot, if space is available.
- LibreSSL in pkgsrc, soon.
- NYCBUG’s next meeting is April 8th, with Christos Zoulas presenting blacklistd.
Do you use info pages? Yeah, me neither. John Marino’s removed or converted the various info pages already in DragonFly, and removed texinfo since it’s no longer required. (I’ve linked to a few examples, but there were a number more commits than this.)
The default .cshrc in DragonFly has had some changes, which shouldn’t be anything but handy… assuming you are using tcsh. Also: the loader menu defaults to a blue Fred, now.