In Other BSDs for 2015/04/25

It’s been a relatively calm week, for once.



Building only one compiler

DragonFly builds two compilers by default.  If you weren’t interesting in building both, there were switches to build only the default, like NO_GCC47.  This changed with every compiler update.

With the switch to GCC 5, the new switch is “NO_ALTCOMPILER”.  That will last through compiler changes.  I’m mentioning this now because sooner or later, you’ll want to gain back some time on a buildworld.

GCC 5 released, switched

DragonFly now has GCC 5.1 release.  If you are running DragonFly master (i.e. 4.1), you’ll probably want to both rebuild world and kernel, and update your packages so they all match.  There’s already packages built with GCC 5.1, so binary package upgrades can happen quickly.  There’s GCC 4.7 packages still available if you aren’t making the jump yet.

If you’re on DragonFly 4.0.x – nothing’s changed.

Changing to gcc 5.0

The default compiler in DragonFly is going to change over from GCC 4.7 to GCC 5.x very soon, to match the GCC 5.1 release.  This means that packages built for DragonFly-master won’t be compatible with the old ones.  You will need to reinstall packages when you next ‘pkg install’.  John Marino has an extensive writeup detailing what’s needed, and the actual change is some days off.

If you are using DragonFly 4.0.x (the release), this doesn’t affect you at all.

Periodic reports on DragonFly

I have had trouble with my daily/weekly periodic reports never making it to my GMail account.  Sascha Wildner pointed out to me that periodic.conf has its own answer already:


… and newsyslog is already set to take care of them.  There’s more in the periodic.conf man page.


Hammer and Hammer2 details

I haven’t been drawing enough attention to it, but there’s been a bunch of HAMMER filesystem activity lately: First, Tomohiro Kusumi has been working on HAMMER – these posts are a small subset of his commits.  Second, Matthew Dillon has been working full steam ahead on HAMMER2.  The HAMMER2 design document has been updated (read this!), and he’s already accomplished master->slave disk syncing.

It’s not ready for production, of course, which you may already realize, so don’t install it unless you want to work on the code.

In Other BSDs for 2015/04/04

If you’re part of a BSD user group, please let me know your schedule.  I’m able to catch NYCBUG announcements cause I’m on their announce@ mailing list – but I could use more.