There’s some DragonFly material in here, though I normally confine that to the rest of the week. It’s inextricable from the rest of the links.
- Setting up an OpenBSD mail server. (via)
- FreeBSD-current users, regenerate your keys. (fixed)
- Using OpenBSD and vxlan to overlay remote lans. (via)
- A Prediction: 2020 the year of (PC-)BSD on the desktop. (also)
- “Has Linux lost its way?” (via) (also)
- DiscoverBSD news for 2015/02/16.
- Curious if FreeBSD or any other BSD district would work better on a MacBook pro?
- Which
- Am I taking a realistic route to learning more about internals? (hey, it’s DragonFly!)
- Speaking of which: cross–pollination.
- More cross-pollination, and surprise from me; I didn’t know USB video link worked on any BSD.
- The m0n0wall project has ended.
- The end of ‘games’ as a separate object on FreeBSD.
- Tetris: still changing.
- autonet – simple automatic wifi chooser on OpenBSD.
- pkgsrc binaries as an exit strategy from systemd.
- IPFW now the default firewall (and on) in PC-BSD.
- The updated roadmap to 1.0.0 for Lumina, PC-BSD’s desktop environment, to go with the 0.8.2 release.
- s2k15 hackathon report.