Hammer2 boot support

If you want to boot from a Hammer 2 /boot volume, you now can.  Hammer 1 never worked well as /boot, though it was technically possible.  Hammer 2 will be just fine.

Note that you can’t turn on recently-added disk compression since the bootloader doesn’t understand it, and Hammer 2 is not ready for anything but being worked on.  Don’t try it unless you’re ready to be submitting code changes to fix Hammer2.

Some GSoC wrapup reports

Joris GIOVANNANGELI and Pawel Dziepak both have published final reports for this year’s DragonFly/Summer of Code experience.  Both of them say they want to keep working on DragonFly, which is exactly the result I want.  There may be more if the other students have time.  A final report wasn’t required, but it is good feedback.

Related: Joris is working on Capsicum for DragonFly and published an API document describing how it has worked/will work.


Summer of Code projects getting committed

Matthew Dillon’s committed the work by Daniel Flores on Hammer 2 compression and Mihai Carabas’s vkernel hardware support – both Summer of Code projects.  There’s a good amount of detail in the commit messages describing the work and what it changed; I expect more Summer of Code work to be getting committed…

Note: you’ll want to do a full update.

Moving dports to gcc 4.7

DragonFly has two included compilers – GCC 4.4, and GCC 4.7.  Traditionally, we switch from one compiler to the other as default, and then replace the old one with a newer release, and so on.

Until recently, dports built almost exclusively using GCC 4.4.  John Marino’s switching to GCC 4.7, for a variety of reasons he lists in a recent post to users@.  An interesting point that he raises: GCC 4.4 won’t necessarily be replaced with a newer GCC, but perhaps clang?

DragonFly and Google Summer of Code, week 13

We’re in the last week of what has been a very good Summer of Code for DragonFly, and here’s the last reports.  (We’re missing two, but this is cleanup week, so not much to report)