DragonFly and Summer of Code, week 7

Everyone passed their Summer of Code midterms!  Not that this was a surprise; all the students have been consistently working and overcoming problems, but a 100% pass rate makes me happy.

Here’s the status reports:

About dports, packages, and servers

In part of a long thread about dports packages on the users@ list, Matthew Dillon notes that a new set of packages for i386 and x86_64, for 3.4 and for “3.6” (meaning bleeding-edge DragonFly, even though that’s numbered 3.5) is mostly uploaded.  He also notes that a Haswell-processor-based blade server for DragonFly is in the works, so much of the dragonflybsd.org infrastructure is going to move from his house to a datacenter, with the benefits that provides.  It’ll also help automate binary package building.

DragonFly and Summer of Code, week 5

I’m late for this, even though the students weren’t.  Mea culpa!  There’s been a lot of discussion on IRC, in EFNet #dragonflybsd, between the students and various DragonFly developers.