Another set of benchmarks

There’s more benchmarks for DragonFly vs. other systems on Phoronix.  It has the same problem as previous benchmarks; some of the benchmarks may have no connection to reality (what does the “Himeno Poisson Pressure Solver” actually test?), and almost every system has a different version of the gcc compiler.  So it’s meaningless in terms of comparative or absolute performance.  On the other hand, DragonFly doesn’t do badly.

You can also look at the comments to see someone absolutely freak out over the very existence of things that aren’t Linux.  I’m not sure if it’s actually trolling, since the comments are so exactly wrong.

ISO639 update, of all things

I knew about files like /etc/services, for common IP port usages, and /usr/share/zoneinfo, for time zones, but I didn’t know that DragonFly (along with other systems) keeps a list of agreed names for various human languages defined by ISO639 in /share/misc/iso639, and it’s maintained at least in part by the Library of Congress.  At least I didn’t know until Sascha Wildner updated it.

Updated: Birthstones and flowers.  Don’t know why.

Two very specific tools, upgraded

If you are one of the few people still wanting to read an OS/2 HPFS drive, support for it in DragonFly has been updated by Antonio Huete Jimenez.  It’s read-only, but writing didn’t work well, and I’d be surprised if there’s any hpfs disks that aren’t archival, out there.

Also, Sepherosa Ziehau has updated the pktgen program to generate even more packets, even at relatively low CPU clock speeds.

SMBIOS access now possible

Sascha Wildner has added system management BIOS (SMBIOS) support, visible with kenv, from FreeBSD.  Use it for getting things like the BIOS revision, system manufacturer, and so on.  For example:

smbios.bios.vendor="Dell Inc. "
smbios.bios.version="2.1.0 "

This may seem minor, but this can be very helpful when dealing with hardware you aren’t physically able to access.

MSI-X for the masses

Sepherosa Ziehau is switching a number of network cards over to use ifpoll, which means they will have capabilities similar to MSI-X, even if the network card doesn’t support it.  My suspicion is that it will make these cards perform better in busy situation where they would otherwise get bogged down… but that’s based on hunch rather than empirical testing.  As Sepherosa Ziehau pointed out, it certainly can’t hurt.

Binary package removal for DragonFly 2.11 and below

On the 10th of November, I’m going to remove the binary pkgsrc packages from for DragonFly 2.8 through 2.11.  They are closing in on 2 years old at this point, and are from a pkgsrc branch that hasn’t been updated for that long.

If you are actually using version of DragonFly that old, you can continue building from pkgsrc normally; these are just prebuilt packages.