If you have an Intel processor with multiple cores and hyperthreading support, you can compile a new kernel and try out Mihia Carabas’s GSoC work already; he’s created a test using the OpenSSL test case to time scheduling performance vs. number of threads.
Mihai Carabas posted some benchmarks for his work with the DragonFly default scheduler and hyperthreaded CPUs. The end result, for those who don’t like number analysis, is that CPU-dependent speeds are reliably constant because tasks are being evenly scheduled across available CPUs.
(Well, CPU threads, since this is hyperthreading, but you get the idea.)
Based on a suggestion from Venkatesh Srinivas, tmpfs now uses a red-black tree for directory lookups, and is also now faster. Credit goes to Johannes Hofmann for doing the testing.
Sascha Wildner has synced find(1) with what’s in FreeBSD, which means there’s a lot more options available – see the commit for details. Many of them are for GNU compatibility, and I’m sure I’ll forget them all. I seem to have issues remembering how to use find(1) successfully.
I think it’s week four, at least.
Mihai Carabas, Vishesh Yadav, and Ivan Sichmann Freitas all have their weekly status reports up for Summer of Code. Unfortunately, Loganaden Velvindron received a great job offer out of the blue, so he no longer has time for Summer of Code. (He plans to continue involvement in DragonFly, however.)
Sascha Wildner has made it easier to use alternative syntax checking systems as a “lint” make target in DragonFly. His usage of coccinelle, as one of these alternatives, has already found many bugs – just today, for instance.
Is “alternative syntax checking systems” the right phrase for this? I don’t know. “Correctness checker”? My phrases all sound like something you’d read on a government form.
Here’s your most recent weekly round of DragonFly/Google Summer of Code updates:
- Ivan Sichmann Freitas: 32 bit api status
- Vishesh Yadav: inotify and fs indexing service status
- Mihai Carabas: Add SMT/HT awareness to DragonFlyBSD scheduler
- Loganaden Velvindron: Privilege separation
Reading this HAMMER2 commit carefully shows some future plans: remote cluster control, and the ability to mount nonlocal HAMMER2 volumes. A reminder: those are future plans, not what you can do now.
The i386-only doscmd(1) is gone from DragonFly. I don’t think I ever used it, as other emulators/systems are so prevalent and complete.
The cache coherency management code in DragonFly has been removed, but it’s coming back under HAMMER2, as part of how HAMMER2 maintains multiple master drives.
Venkatesh Srinivas, currently on his colossal bike ride, introduced a different way of creating a tmpfs. This was test code, and Johannes Hofmann benchmarked it (see same page). It’s interesting cause there are numbers, and nice to see one person jumping in to test someone else’s results/idea.
Week 2 Summer of Code status reports from Loganaden Velvindron, Mihai Carabas (plus followup), Vishesh Yadav, and Ivan Sichmann Freitas are available. Ivan Sichmann Freitas also has a RFC on changes to DragonFly’s 32-bit API.
DragonFly has a page on updating pkgsrc, and so does NetBSD. I don’t think I linked to the latter before, but even if I didn’t, it’s still useful.
Sepherosa Ziehau has added netblast, a tool originally from FreeBSD that, if I’m reading the commit right, flings packets of a given size at an IP/port of your choosing, for as long as you want.
It’s possible to accidentally truncate your password when using DES encryption and 0x80 in UTF-8 encoding. It’s fixed.
There were some benchmarks of DragonFly 3.0 some time ago on Phoronix. (You may recall it being mentioned here previously.) The disk numbers always seemed weird to me, so I repeated that part of the test, and here’s my writeup.
Sepherosa Ziehau has made some changes to SIOCGIFDATA, so if you are using DragonFly-master and pf, you will need a full rebuild. Also pftop, if you use it.
Three more weekly status updates from DragonFly/GSoC students: Mihai Carabas, Vishesh Yadav, and Ivan Sichmann Freitas. That’s all for the past/first week.
Loganaden Velvindron posted a terse update on the state of his Summer of Code work for DragonFly. I’m still waiting on the other students.