dragonflybsd.org down

If you’ve noticed the main dragonflybsd.org website being down, that’s because both network connections (on different networks!) serving it are down.  This makes the website unavailable, and the source code, but you can still pull down images, packages, and the like from avalon.dragonflybsd.org.  Hopefully this warning will be out of date soon.

Note: It’s back.

GCC 4.6 now possible

John Marino has made it possible to build world and kernel on DragonFly using GCC 4.6 in the form of gnat-aux.  (We’re currently on GCC version 4.4)  Note that version 4.6 isn’t included with DragonFly, so you would need to download and compile GCC 4.6 a very recent version of lang/gnat-aux, and set CCVER=gcc46 before building world and kernel to try this out.

Update: John Marino points out in comments that you need to set WORLD_CCVER, not CCVER as his original message said.