Linux ’emulation’ packages are present in pkgsrc, same as they are in ports, but the use is slightly different. Joerg Sonnenberger detailed some of the differences in a recent post.
Updated: And check this post too.
Linux ’emulation’ packages are present in pkgsrc, same as they are in ports, but the use is slightly different. Joerg Sonnenberger detailed some of the differences in a recent post.
Updated: And check this post too. has a new Big Scary Daemons article up about emulation – specifically, Linux emulation on FreeBSD. It should mostly apply to DragonFly.
Jeremy C. Reed has been adding to the PF documentation to cover other operating systems, including DragonFly. He needs another set of eyes to look it over, though.
Simon ‘corecode’ Schubert has put together a Roundup issue tracker and has been collecting issues off the bugs@ mailing list for a while. He says it’s about 5 minutes of work daily to keep things straight, which isn’t bad at all for mailing list integration.
Garance Drosihn wrote up a little summary about the oft-revisited subject of: why isn’t there something easier to build than CVSup?
At Daniel Sturm’s suggestion, I’ve put a link for the DragonFly BSD Frappr group over on the side of the page.
While we’re on the topic of papers, BSDCan 2006 is happening at the University of Ottowa, May 12-13th, and any proposals for a paper are due January 19th.
Joseph Garcia noticed that the newaliases command is apparently not run as part of a new DragonFly 1.4 install.
The USENIX 06 Technical Conference, held May 30th to June 3rd, has a call for papers out – due by the 17th! has 4 articles, this week: book reviews of
Write Portable Code,
Eclipse IDE Pocket Guide,
Debugging Expect,
Marcel’s Linux Game of the Month : eboard, a networkable chess game.
Bob Bagwill posted a link to an “unflattering (but not inaccurate)” review of DragonFly BSD 1.4 over at DistroWatch.
I was bit by this myself: the weekly tarball of pkgsrc files, for those who plan to install pkgsrc, appears to be broken. Use CVS (instructions on the aforementioned wiki page) to update the files within it.
This lengthy blog post details the use of NTP and time in general on Un*xy systems. (Seen on the #NetBSD Blog via hubertf)
Also seen on #NetBSD Blog: play hack over ssh!
The vnodes discussion has morphed into a conversation about kernel memory, and how it is allocated.
O-Reilly’s has a new FreeBSD Basics article up titled “Building Binary PC-BSD Packages“, which talks about the slick-sounding PC-BSD package superset of the FreeBSD port system.
In a conversation about having lots of RAM, Matthew Dillon described the relationship of vnodes to memory, and how you rarely want to change it. has an article up about building a widget for systems admin (Normally Mac-specific, but maybe not much longer), solutions to phishing attacks, and a guide on the venerable but useful tools iostat, vmstat, and netstat.
Several people more educated than I have chimed in with comments that describe the difference between pkgsrc and pkgsrc-wip. Read the comments to be enlightened.