DragonFly_Stable moved up

The DragonFly_Stable tag has been slipped up to correct a memory leak and incorporate the ‘rm -I’ fix. This does place the stble code right smack in the middle of the VFS changes, but those appear to be at a stable point right now.

DragonFly case badge

Joerg Anslik sent along a note that dreamsticker.de took a supplied image and turned it into a 2.5 sq.cm case badge for him.

Joerg Anslik wrote: “Just order “3D-Wunschsticker” (5 is minimum) and send him a 300 dpi picture (or whatever) in a separate mail refering to the order number
you’ll receive.”

This should work for any Germany residents; the dreamsticker.de is in German so I can’t identify if they ship outside of the country.