1.0RC1 is released!

Mirror list:
Devon O’Dell San Jose California, 100Mbit

  • noskill: NYC, NY, 100mbit
  • Devon O’Dell: Amsterdam Zuidoost Holland, 100Mbit
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  • jage: Stockholm Sweden, 100Mbit.
  • Lukkie: AMS, NL, 10mbit
  • corecode: Germany, 100Mbps
  • hernan43: Minnesota, USA 100Mbit
  • –>

    LiveCD at 0.3

    The DragonFlyBSD LiveCD is at version 0.3. It was 1.2 previously, so I assume the major number was dropped to emphasize that it’s not released yet. What’s new? I don’t know, as I haven’t been in #dfinstaller (on EFNet) this weekend.


    As Erik P. Skaalerud pointed out in the bugs list, there’s been a lot of source changes lately. If you encounter an error when doing a buildworld/buildkernel, update your sources and try again. A number of people have managed to fall right inbetween updates lately.

    KDE ‘packs’

    GoBSD.com has a ‘packages’ section which holds prebuilt software packages for DragonFly, suitable for adding with pkg_add -r packagename. It doesn’t happen to have many KDE packages, which can be very time-consuming to build by hand. However, there’s a whole bunch in a different directory, http://gobsd.com/packs/.

    WineX release

    WineX, a commercial version of Wine oriented towards gameplay, has been released (version 4.0) and renamed (“Cedega”). I vaguely recall it was possible to get it working on FreeBSD – it would be interesting to see how it performs on DragonFly, comparatively.