David Leimbach and others have kdebase from CVS building now.
dragonflybsd.org appears to be down, and the news server is not responding. I don’t know if this is planned or not.
Update an hour later: It’s OK.
Not much happening right now. A few people have noticed that the binary NVIDIA driver doesn’t seem to work; big surprise there, with the system being in rapid change. Otherwise, puttering with the new RCNG services layout continues. In local news, I have the DragonFly mail archive mostly working now, including the kernel list.
A dfports update for net/bsd-airtools
has been committed; Craig Dooley noted that the device layout for DragonFly has changed, making this override needed.
Matt Dillon has enhanced the varsym/RCNG system to support the following “states” for various services:
running | The service is running |
failed | A start or stop operation failed |
disabled | The service is disabled |
irrelevant | The server is not needed |
configured | The non-process service has been configured |
stopped | The service has been stopped |
He also posted the following:
“Call for volunteers! There are many
scripts which do not support ‘stop’. Things likesshd
, for example. It would be great if interested parties could start adding ‘stop’ functionality to the more common services. Submit patch sets to submit@dragonflybsd.org”
From Murray Stokely by way of Matt Dillon; a request for papers about BSD system use to present this summer in Boston:
“UseBSD will be a one-day special interest group session hosted as part of the 2004 USENIX Annual Technical Conference in Boston (June 27 – July 2, 2004). The focus of UseBSD, as the name implies, will be on showcasing ways in which creative members of the BSD community are making use of BSD-on the desktop, in embedded applications, in corporate data centers, in computational clusters, in business environments, and more!”
There’s a new Team page on the DragonFly website. I’m the one that put it together.
Jeroen Ruigrok has previously sent in patches to autoconf
that allow it to recognize DragonFly as a system, and this should now be in autoconf CVS.
Matt Dillon posted 2 scripts he finds handy for searching in the source tree. The first one is used on its own, with the argument being the search target:
# /usr/local/bin/search
find . -type f -and -not -name '*.*o' -and -not -name '*.a' -and -not -name '*.kld' | fgrep -v ./compile | xargs egrep "$argv" | egrep -v 'Binary'
And the other script, used to pull files containing the searchterm into an editor like so: ‘vi `pullout searchterms`’
# /usr/local/bin/pullout
/usr/local/bin/search $argv | awk -F : '{ print $1; }' | sort | uniq
Dave Leimbach pointed at Cyclone during a discussion of dealing with insecure functions like sprintf()
and strcopy()
Ryan Dooley proposed adding ProPolice to the base system, and already has a potential patch.
Matt Dillon will be finishing up IPC using the model mocked up in libcaps. This will enable functions like getpwuid() as an IPC serviceand out of libc. If I recall correctly, IPC = Inter-Process Communication, as acronyms are a common question lately.
Jos Backus pointed at buildtool as an alternative to the various auto* tools.
Peter Kadau noted that if you are building a program such as XFree86 and it complains about not being able to find a particular library that you know exists on your system, you can use cpdup to move it (between, for instance, /usr/local/lib and /usr/X11R6/lib).
This is a temporary fix. However, if you are experiencing this right now, it’s probably because of an out-of-date dfports. Delete all packages, update, and reinstall packages, and you should be OK.
Matt Dillon’s updated his diary.
Matt Dillon has created ‘live CD’ features, so you can boot from a DragonFly CD and get to a useable prompt. To support this, cpdup
is now included in /bin
, and mount_mfs
now has the -C option, which will automatically copy a read-only filesystem into a MFS mount. An experimental ISO is available on the download page.
Be warned that you will have to lay out filesystems on your own with fdisk, disklabel, etc., and this is largely undocumented, except in the README.
Continue reading “‘live CD’ available”
So, it looks like this:
From an offhand comment Matt Dillon made, the first ‘release’ of Dragonfly is planned at least several months from now. (No definite date yet.) FreeBSD-5 should be entering a stable branch (5.3) around the same time, and the stable 2.6 Linux kernel should be appearing around mid-December, close to the same time as FreeBSD 5.2. KDE 3.2 should also be out in February. Gnome 2.6 is due in March.
So, early 2004 looks like it will have much to play with.
Not much to report, in part because of the U.S. holiday, so here’s a link to a recently-announced OpenBSD variant: ekkoBSD.
Matt Dillon has pictures posted from the BSD Party.