Probably in part because of a long-running off-topic SCO thread in dragonfly.kernel, ‘trent’ suggested an advocacy or general group. Matt Dillon said “in a few months, just prior to the first release”.
Emiel Kollof plans to change the Heimdal utilities to a format more similar to other platforms, unless someone else wants it.
In a conversation about updating bind
, several people noted that changes other than vendor updates to contrib
can wait until there’s a complete packaging system in place. (i.e. things like bind and sendmail are staying in place, for now.)
In a followup to the K42 post, Max Laier pointed at the L4Ka project, which is somewhat similar in scope.
Michal Ostrowski, a developer with the K42 project at IBM Research, posted to dragonfly.kernel and noted that DragonFly and K42 are very similar in design and could benefit from interaction. He brought up several papers located on their site: a K42 overview, K42 and traditional UNIX APIs, and K42’s threading and scheduling infrastructure. The closely-related Tornado operating system also has some good information.
I’ve been playing too much Day of Defeat; I see ‘KAR98‘ every time I read K42. The project’s not about a teutonic WW2 rifle, though – the name K42 has a different origin.
Jeroen Ruigrok pointed out this Newsforge article that says SCO will probably be bringing the AT&T settlement over BSD into court. According to people’s opinions, however, this is a last legal flailing, rather than anything that will significantly affect BSD-derived systems like DragonFly.
Daemonnews also has a mention of this, where Marc Rassbach points out the article’s author has a ‘poison pen’ history vs. BSD products, and Peter Hansteen notes a Forbes article on SCO, this Byte article, and the ever-bearded Greg Lehey’s excellent appraisal of this mess.
According to Matt Dillon, DragonFly will skip the multiple branch style of FreeBSD (STABLE, CURRENT branches) and tag the single main branch, slipping as needed for security fixes.
Jeroen Ruigrok suggested the Sun Grid Engine (FreeBSD version) as a project for anyone with time on their hands.
Joshua Coombs asked about good books for BSD kernel/network programming. Jeroen Ruigrok listed: “The Design and Implementation of 4.4BSD”, “Unix Internals: The New Frontiers”, and “The Design of the Unix Operating System”.
From Joshua Coombs:
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Yet more __P() macros have been removed. Check the commits record around the 13th to see. __P() should now be gone most everywhere except contrib
Matt Dillon noted he would be creating a port override for gcc33, as the port from FreeBSD’s port tree doesn’t seem to work just right.
Joshua Coombs is kicking around the idea of modeling – or even implementing – his new routing model, in Perl.
This week Matt Dillon is doing:
- lwkt_token and IPI code optimization
- GCC 3.x (just for support of the next item)
- 64 bit AMD64 support
For those of you late to the party and wondering why his work schedule is spotlighted, Matt Dillon is the originator of the DragonFly project, and is doing much heavy lifting.
Jeroen Ruigrok and Matt Dillon wrote up an article for about DragonFly.
Not directly about DragonFly, but chances are good you are using it. Release 4.4 of XFree86 is due by the end of the month, and you can look at the changelog.
Jeroen Ruigrok supplied these links about patent issues with Cisco’s VRRP during a thread about importing OpenBSD’s CARP as part of pf.
Joshua Coombs has updated his writeup of a new routing model, based on feedback.
Congratulations are due to committer Jeroen Ruigrok, who is apparently getting hitched.
Matt Dillon posted an interesting bit about what’s needed/planned for non-emulated use of the AMD64:
(post quoted)
Continue reading “Not long until Long”