Jeroen Ruigrok is setting up Bugzilla for tracking bugs/requests for DragonFly. As part of the process, there’s some 6,000 (!) items brought over from FreeBSD-4. No link yet…
I was pointed at the site to find old dragonfly.kernel postings. I moved in what was there, and so the local kernel archive has several months of history added in, now. Docs doesn’t seem to be working yet…
David Rhodus has been commiting a whole bunch of fixes from FreeBSD today. You can tell just by looking at the mailing list archive for commits@, freshly set up, and updated hourly along with the other archives.
Anyone have old list traffic sitting around, perhaps in mbox format? I’d like to backfill.
send-pr, the strange commandline utility for making a bug report, now goes to the bugs mailing list.
Byron Schlemmer put up Matt Dillon’s slides from his Berkley talk as HTML pages.
In a thread about booting media, Matt Dillon noted he was going to:
- Look at Jeff Hsu’s TCP thread code
- implement variant symlinks
- start VFS messaging and environments
VFS will make a number of other things – especially a new port system – possible.
till noted in a comment here that is live, and is using the RDF feed from this site.
Matt Dillon explained what he wants the port-creation experience to be for a port maintainer, using VFS, quoted below:
Continue reading “VFS and ports for maintainers”
Hiten Pandya mentioned that Robert Watson has set up the FXR website (FreeBSD/Linux Cross Reference) for BSD code. It’s a personal domain, so please don’t tax it at present.
Greg Lehey put up a paper and slides from his Singapore presentation, describing the FreeBSD-5 SMPng work, both in terms of events and code. It’s an interesting read, since this is the path avoided in DragonFly. (Greg Lehey has a 2001 USENIX paper on SMPng, too, which mentions much of the same content.)
Jeroen Ruigrok has fixed make release
On the freebsd-hackers mailing list, a slight flamewar erupted over discussion of checkpointing code from DragonFly. Amidst the dumbness that normally ensues in a flamewar, there’s some interesting descriptions on what work has been done/will be done on DragonFly. Check out the archive, mostly in the “FreeBSD mail list etiquette” thread. Matt Dillon’s posts here, here, and here are all info-packed.
Matt Dillon’s posted his slides from his talk at UCB Berkley, in OpenOffice format.
Jeroen Ruigrok posted some links to papers about checkpointing and threads:
A User-level Checkpointing Library for POSIX Threads Programs:
Checkpointing and its applications:
Migratory applications:
Kip Macy brought up the idea of moving FreeBSD’s ataNG into DragonFly; the consensus so far is to bring it in separately from the existing ata support, since ataNG’s not yet completely stable.
Thursday October 23, 306 Soda Hall 6 – 8 PM. Matt Dillon will be talking to whomever shows up to the CSUA meeting.
Hiten Pandya brought up futexes for possible inclusion in DragonFly, pointing at this page for reference.
Bill Huey brought up, with the caveat that futexes are used for 1:1 threading models, not M:N models such as DragonFly is using/will be using.
Jeroen Ruigrok posted a whole pile of links to routing information for anyone wanting to work on it:
TCP Vegas: End to End Congestion Avoidance on a Global Internet
Evaluation of TCP Vegas: Emulation and Experiment
TCP and Successive Fast Retransmits
Congestion Avoidance and Control
Performance Problems in BSD4.4 TCP
Comparison of Tahoe, Reno, and SACK
TCP Vegas: New Techniques for Congestion Detection and Avoidance
A Tree-based Packet Routing Table for Berkeley Unix
TCP Vegas Revisited
Analysis on TCP Vegas and TCP Reno
Scalable Timers for Soft State Protocols
End-to-End Internet Packet Dynamics
End-to-End Routing Behavior in the Internet
Routing with a Clue
IP Lookups using Multiway and Multicolumn Search
Fast and Scalable Layer Four Switching
High-Speed Policy-based Packet Forwarding Using Efficient
Multi-dimensional Range Matching
Fast Address Lookups using Controlled Prefix Expansion
Matt Dillon’s made a diary update.
David P. Reese posted his 9th step into syscall separation, and noted that there remains:
- “37 more uses of stackgap allocations in the linux emulation code”
- “26 more 43bsd syscalls that require relocation”