Checkpointing is in

Kip Macy’s checkpointing code has been committed; I’m pasting Matt Dillon’s post about it as there’s a lot of issues to consider.

For those of you late to the party, checkpointing allows you to “freeze” a copy of an application so that, in theory, you can restore the program to that running state at a later point in time. Useful, for instance, if you have a program that takes a long time to complete and you don’t want to have to restart from the beginning if there’s an interruption.
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Doxygen don’t

David Cuthbert brought up the idea of Doxygen headers for the source; Matt Dillon didn’t care for the idea, pointing at this for an example. Hiten Pandya noted that he’d like to have a separate by-hand handbook, for which Eirik Nygaard posted a possible example. Matthew Fuller added that he is working on a SGML application for library documentation as part of another project.


While noting that he has made a number of changes to the scheduler, Matt Dillon described a new tool called ‘wmake’. wmake allows you to run make in a subdirectory simulating a buildworld environment, without actually having to build world.

(quoted from his post, using libkvm for an example:)
cd /usr/lib/libkvm
wmake obj
make install

Bootsplash loader and gzip

Emiel Kollof noted that it would be nice if the splash screen loaders could read gzipped files, so that any splash screens could be stored in a compressed format and still used. Hiten Pandya pointed at kern/imgact_gzip.c and boot/i386/kgzldr/boot.c for examples, if anyone wants to tackle this project.

Installing from source

I wrote down the explicit steps I used to get a DragonFly machine running and up-to-date; I’m including them here for the benefit of others. This was working as of mid-September.

** Updated December 2003; silly typos.

** Update February 2004: This guide was written using FreeBSD 4.8 as a guide; it may break. There is a guide page on that talks about upgrading from FreeBSD 4.9.
Continue reading “Installing from source”