Default shells and library changes

I see this bite people irregularly over the years: if your default shell on login can’t run, what do you do?  I’ve seen it happen because of a missing /usr/lib, and it can happen with out-of-date library references, too.   There’s several different ways to deal with it:

That last one may be useful if your dports setup gets mangled, somehow – though ‘pkg upgrade’ has always worked for me.

Who still wants a shirt?

I have DragonFly shirts, helpfully printed up by Sepherosa Ziehau in China.  I have a list of people that are interested in shirts, most of whom remembered to give a shirt size.  I don’t have anyone’s email address or mailing address on that list.

If you are on that list, send me your mailing address.

The shirts are marked L/XL/XXL/XXXL, but they run smaller than U.S. versions of those sizes.  I usually find a U.S. XL shirt baggy, but “XXXL” is the one that fit me, for instance.  I’ll do my best to place the appropriate one.  This is just an advance apology, since it’s too late to change anything if it turns out tight.

I’ll mail these out as I have the spare cash and time on hand.  (I hope most of you live in the continental U.S.)

Whole lotta reading

Rimvydas Jasinskas has consolidated/restored/updated a large number of papers into share/doc on DragonFly.  I’m not going to link to his large number of commits, but instead point you at the directory where they all went.  There’s a number of design documents in there that date back to 4.4BSD and beyond (and some much newer), which may interest or educate you.  Of special note: The Guide to the Dungeons of Doom, for rogue, or the KAME IPv6 implementation notes.

BSDNow 121: All your hyves are belong to us

Christmas doesn’t stop BSDNow from happening, and this week – along with the normal news summary – has an interview with Trent Thompson about virtualization on FreeBSD.  Specifically, iohyve, the new management system.

(Linking directly to the broadcast site instead of the page with the full summary on the BSDNow site, because that summary page isn’t up as of me posting this.)