New DragonFly installer disk arrangement

The DragonFly installer has been modified to produce disk arrangements that will generally match between UFS and Hammer installs, plus directories where you usually don’t want Hammer history or backups (like /tmp or /usr/obj) are now under /build and null-mounted to where you’d expect, since null-mounting works transparently well on DragonFly.  Matthew Dillon has a note explaining the whole thing.

Who wants a DragonFly shirt?

As mentioned previously, Sepherosa Ziehau is printing up some DragonFly T-shirts for WeChat users.  He’s going to have a few left over, so he is sending them to me to hand to non-China people.  If you want one, leave a note saying so in the comments.  Here’s the front and back.

You need to provide some way for me to contact you – preferably email, and the size you’d want.  (Use the Land’s End Men’s Shirts chart for sizing, because why not.)  I’ll only have a few, so no guarantees.

Update: I have more responses than probable shirts at this point – sorry!  I’ll get in contact with each of you once the shirts come in and arrange delivery.

DragonFly 4.4 released

DragonFly 4.4 is released!  The release page has the information, and your nearest mirror should have the images by now.   To update an existing 4.2 system, see my users@ post.

Sharp-eyed users will note that release is happening with version 4.4.1, rather than the 4.4.0 you’d expect.  That’s because I tagged 4.4.0, built the images, and then OpenSSL 1.0.1q was released.  Rather than make everyone who installs DragonFly need to immediately update, Sascha Wildner brought in the OpenSSL update to the 4.4 branch, and I built 4.4.1 instead.

DragonFly, NFS, and netbooting

DragonFly has historically performed very well with NFS.  I don’t have hard numbers to point at (an interesting exercise if someone wanted it), but in any case: DragonFly now can tune up to a much larger iosize, which means better NFS performance.  DragonFly <-> DragonFly NFS performance can now max out a GigE link, or with anything else that can handle the larger iosize.  That plus additional readahead, also in that commit, means easier netboots.

Binary dports for DragonFly 4.5 users

Since DragonFly 4.4 has been branched, bleeding-edge DragonFly is now at version 4.5.  As John Marino detailed in his post, that means pkg on 4.5 systems will look in a new place for downloads.  (“dragonfly:4.6:x86:64”, since it always uses even numbers)   To cover for this, set ABI to point at DragonFly 4.4 packages in pkg.conf for now.  They’re freshly built and functionally the same, anyway.  Once there’s a 4.6 download path, that ABI setting can be removed.  Packages for DragonFly-current are available now and probably at the mirrors by the time this posts.

Update: as John Marino pointed out to me, anyone on DragonFly-master who upgrades now will be at version 4.5.  This means pkg will get the new (4.5) packages on the next pkg upgrade.  That means a mix of old and new packages unless you either reinstall anything (pkg update -f) or hardcode the 4.4 download path until you are ready to switch everything.

So: DragonFly-current users should either hardcode the 4.4 path for now or force an pkg upgrade for everything.  DragonFly 4.2-release users are unaffected.