True and False code reading, NYCBUG edition

NYCBUG is having “true(1) and false(1), The Classical Code Reading Group of Stockholm, NYC*BUG Mix Tape Edition” happen this Wednesday the 7th.  You may remember a similar event at the end of August.  This will be led by George Brocklehurst from the original event, with NYCBUG members present.  If you missed the previous one, try this out – by all accounts, these code readings are inordinately fun.

DragonFly 4.0 users should upgrade

If you happen to still be running DragonFly 4.0 – that’s two releases ago and not supported – you may be noticing less ports are building.  There’s been enough significant changes in DragonFly since that release that it’s reducing the number of buildable ports.

DragonFly 4.0 to 4.2 is not a difficult jump, so jump when you can.  The converse of this, of course, is that there’s even more building on 4.2 and DragonFly-current.

A reason for ECC

Why buy ECC RAM?  This is a discussion I’ve seen many times.  I’ve always heard that without the error checking, you can’t tell if a random bit was flipped by a cosmic particle.  That seems like a very remote threat.  Over the last week, I went to Science North in Sudbury, Canada, and saw the Diffusion Cloud Chamber.  I took a photo myself.  Both of those picture represent an instant in time, and each of those squiggles in the chamber in that instant represents some particle zipping through space that miiiiiight scramble your RAM.  That’s… a lot more common than I thought.

Use wpa_supplicant only long enough to replace it

DragonFly ships with wpa_supplicant, for setting up WiFi.  However, there’s no guarantee it’s the latest version.  A solution exists: security/wpa_supplicant in dports.  However, this has a chicken-and-egg problem, where you need wpa_supplicant to get online and download the dports version of wpa_supplicant.  So, DragonFly still includes wpa_supplicant in the base system, but you should upgrade to the dports version when possible.

DragonFly 4.2.3 released

There was a newer release of OpenSSL (1.0.1p) last week, so there’s a new revision of the DragonFly release – 4.2.3.  There’s little major change other than the security fix for OpenSSL.

Those readers who can count past 2 may notice that there wasn’t a 4.2.2.  We went straight from 4.2.1 to 4.2.3.   That’s my fault.  I screwed up tagging and Git doesn’t like repeated, deleted tags.

Stickers stickers stickers

Something I’ve wanted for a long time: DragonFly stickers.  Or ‘decals’, if you want to sound fancier.  Markus Pfeiffer has them set up on Stickermule.

I just created an account there, and apparently I can supply a referral link which gets you and me both a $10 credit, if you use that.  It’ll make you sign up, then you’ll probably have to go back in with the direct link for the DragonFly sticker.