Lazy Reading for 2015/04/05

Happy Easter!  It means chocolate for me.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: Jason Shiga’s comics.  It’s an article about the comics, not the comics themselves, so go to his site next.  (via)

Also unrelated: tea is one of the topics I link here, and alert reader Jeff Ramnani pointed out Strand Tea as a good source.  I also saw Deep Mills referenced in the UK.  Anyone else have a favorite online vendor?

A PHP upgrade note

The other day, I updated some packages using pkg.  The default version of PHP went from 5.4 to 5.6.  I ended up doing what /usr/dports/UPGRADING says and making a list of all PHP packages on my system, before removing PHP and its dependencies.  I then reinstalled the packages that used PHP, bringing the needed packages back in at the right version.  pkg 1.4 didn’t handle the transition cleanly, unfortunately.  I also had to specify mod_php56 because pkg was trying to get the 5.4 version despite it not being default.

None of these are insurmountable problems, but it never hurts to be forewarned.  pkg 1.5 is on the horizon and may have an easier time with sorting these types of dependency/version changes.  This may apply to FreeBSD in addition to DragonFly.

pfSense class results

Hey, look what I have! There’s a pfSense pair of classes available to take. I went through them and found them worthwhile. pfSense is easy enough to use that a dedicated person can puzzle through most of the settings, eventually, but I don’t have “eventually”, and I want to encourage BSD products in my workplace… so here we are.


DragonFly 4.0.4 out

DragonFly 4.0 has had a minor point release, to 4.0.4.  There was a bug in the initial install where the rescue image installed on disk would be incorrect.  This was fixed after the first time a build/installworld was done, but might as well have it start out right.  There’s some other small fixes, and the release commit will show you the summary.  Download from your nearest mirror or update normally.