I’ve mentioned it before, but this recent update to dma in DragonFly reminded me: “dma” stands for DragonFly Mail Agent, a minimal mail agent created for DragonFly as a lighter, local replacement for Sendmail in a base install. But! It’s cross–platform now, and even “upstream” from DragonFly.
James Cook is interested in working on zalloc in DragonFly, taken from the projects page. Follow his questions and the answers if this interests you.
If you are upgrading an older 5.8.x system to DragonFly 6, and get a lua error when updating pkg: manually copy over a config file, and you’ll be set.
DragoFly 6.0 is tagged and ready for download. There’s ISO images and of course you can upgrade using the notes on the release page. One of the improvements in this release cycle is improved dsynth support, so of course there are many prebuilt packages available; don’t forget to update those too.
There’s only been one issue found in the release candidate so far. It’s fixed, so I’ll tag and build 6.0 within the next few days.
Brian Callahan presents for NYCBUG on compiler support in the BSDs, tonight. Send an email for a Zoom invite.
There’s some opinions mixed in this week!
- NetBSD VM on bhyve (on TrueNAS). (via)
- FreeBSD 13 on a 12 year old laptop. (via)
- OPNsense switches back to vanilla FreeBSD. (via)
- Gemini Capsule in a FreeBSD Jail. (via)
- Lexical File Names in Plan 9 or Getting Dot Dot Right. (PDF, via)
- FVWM 3 and Quest for Comfortable NetBSD Desktop. (via)
- It’s time to say goodbye to the GPL. (via)
- Hunt the Wumpus on the AskHistorians Podcast. Pre-BSD.
- FreeBSD meetings on the Desktop.
- OpenBSD 6.9 is out, with this perk.
- From Linux to BSD. (video, via)
- FreeBSD 13.0 on Raspberry Pi 400 – Quick Look. (video, via)
- Interview with Michael Lucas FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Unix, IT and other books author. (via)
- FreeBSD Best Practices virtual panel discussion, 2 sessions. Related to WireGuard, I think.
With good timing, 6.x packages are now available for those of you who need them.
The image should be at your nearest mirrors now.
The first RC for DragonFly 6.0 is branched. I don’t expect a need for a second one; this release has been a long time baking (look at the commit list!) and is pretty well refined.
I’ll be working on branching and releasing DragonFly 6.0 over the next while. We’re overdue for a release. Tentatively, I’ll branch tomorrow night, and start working on test images and release notes. The release will come in about a week, if there’s no surprises.
There’s a new build of binary packages available, for both 5.8 and DragonFly-current.
I’ve mentioned it before but it came up again, so it’s worth repeating: your 5.8 install of DragonFly may need an update of the pkg tool.
Prompted by this email, I’ll say if there’s a DragonFly code bounty that interests you, put your name on it. Payment is on completion.
I was sure I had posted a link to this before, but apparently not: “How to install DragonFly BSD 5.6.1 plus MATE and some aplications” (Youtube, via)
New to me, at least, on the DragonFly images page.
Well, that’s not exactly correct: you can mount more than one tmpfs, and you can mount multiples at the same spot, but I can’t think of a reason to do so. In fact, it could happen by accident, but there’s a fix for that in DragonFly, thanks to Aaron LI. Not a major problem, but mentioning it in case you saw it and were confused.
Because there’s a newer version of sh(1) in DragonFly, you may need to update your 5.8 system to continue building ports from source. Binary installation through pkg still works as expected so this may not affect you.
There’s a new build of DragonFly 5.8 binary packages available. There’s a sudo fix in there for the recent public cross-platform CVE it had, plus the linked announcement describes how to get around a pkg upgrade bug.
I’m not sure if this is directly helpful, but a recent series of posts about running jitsi on DragonFly covers the different parts of setting it up. There isn’t a “this is the solved answer” post to point at; I’m linking to the start of the thread as it might be useful for someone.