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- C++ Shanty. (via)
- The theory and form of classic drum patterns. Interesting cause I’ve never seen drum patterns visualized before. (via)
- Telehack, which I have linked to before, but not since 2011. Still super-complex. (reminded via)
- 50 Years of Text Games: 1972: Rocket and 1973: Hunt the Wumpus.
- How Gumroad works. Similar to open source. (via)
- Modern Retro Computer Terminals. No shape files? (via)
- A Week With Plan 9. (via)
- 27th IOCCC winners are up. (via)
- Evolution of the Scrollbar. (via)
- control–panel. (also via)
- A Few Words About the Telex. (via)
- Digital VT100 (1978). (via)