A week’s worth of posts for you

I can’t keep up with all the things to post.  I desperately want to clear my inbox, so here’s a week’s worth of posts all smushed together.  Enjoy!


Messylaneous for 2010/02/05

I’m really behind on my posting (this is why), so I’m piling a lot of stuff in here:

Messylaneous for 2010/01/15

Still not used to typing “2010”.

Hammer REDO and other storage notes

Matthew Dillon declared his intention to have REDO working for Hammer very soon.  This will improve speed by lowering the number of fsync()s needed in a given period of time to flush data to disk.

He continues in a separate message talking at length about data flushing and how to implement it efficiently, with some comparisons to work in FreeBSD.  The followups are worth reading, too.

Too much ram: it’s possible

I’ve always said you can’t be too rich, too thin, or have too much RAM.  (I’m paraphrasing a quote from the Dutchess of Windsor.)  However, maybe you can have too much RAM.  Recent changes by Matthew Dillon have made it possible to run the kernel_map out of RAM depending on the quantity of video RAM and system RAM in use.

This isn’t a significant danger; I’m highlighting it because it’s an odd problem.  It’s easy to work around for now.  There’s a new utility, kmapinfo, to show mow much kernel memory is being used.

Messylaneous for 2009/12/30

It’s New Year’s Eve Eve, and so here are a bunch of links I’ve built up over the past few days.