Lazy Reading for 2019/07/14

Who can recommend a dynamic DNS service?  (I’d like to know from direct experience, not Googling.)  I’ve been using Dyn for years, but they’ve been unintelligibly merged into the Oracle behemoth, and I need to change.

5.6.1 tagged and built

Shamelessly copied from my own users@ post: I tagged 5.6.1 and built it earlier today.  This version has a corrected sshd_config and fixes a lockup bug in ttm. The ISO should be showing up on in the next 20 minutes or so, or you can rebuild using the normal process on an existing 5.6 system:

cd /usr/src
git pull
make buildworld
make buildkernel
make installkernel
make installworld
make upgrade

If you are still on 5.4 or earlier, you need to bring in 5.6 sources, which is noted in the 5.6.0 announcement.

OPIE removal in DragonFly-master

OPIE was disabled recently in DragonFly.  Now that the 5.6 release is out, it has been removed.  This may require manual intervention if you are on DragonFly-master (i.e. 5.5. or 5.7) and update in the next day or two.  This need to fiddle with it will go away soon with changes to ‘make upgrade’; I will mention it when I see it.

This won’t affect anyone running 5.4 or 5.6.  It’s only in development.

Rehash reminder

If, like me, you’ve been running DragonFly for a long time, and you haven’t switched away from tcsh for your account or for root, you may not have ‘set autorehash’ in your .cshrc.  Newer installs have it.

Put that into .cshrc if you don’t have it, and it’ll save 15 seconds of the rest of your life not typing ‘rehash’… assuming you can overcome the muscle reflex.

More terminal fun

Remember my Wyse terminal experiment with a DragonFly VM?  I mentioned an odd output pause where the screen would stop updating until there was keyboard activity – or occasionally just die.  That was an artifact of Virtualbox; running this now in Qemu has no such problem.

I now have a very overcomplicated clock!  I’m running GRDC on this Wyse-185 connected as a vt100 to the virtual machine running DragonFly 5.4 in Qemu on my Windows 10 work laptop.  It’s at 9600 baud so I can see the numbers morph.  I find this aesthetically satisfying.