A lessons learned week.
- Computer Science the Fun Way, a Humble Bundle. (via)
- Fight On! issue 16 is out. (via)
- FreeBSD and KDE Plasma generations. I think the right answer on versioning there.
- Patrick Collision’s bookshelf. (via)
- Framework 13 AMD Setup with FreeBSD. I could use a new laptop; this x220 is getting long in the tooth.
- Silicon Valley’s thing about Great Men, a followup on the previous source.
- Owning your own space and content is important.
- Make yourself less valuable to tech companies. The sheer number of things you can turn off that are just extractive data about you is a sort of wake-up call. (via)
- BBC Micro emulation directly in the browser. (via)
- If you get the chance, always run more extra network fiber cabling. And leave extra cable length when you pull; everyone gets to learn this the hard way.