Mini-theme of hardware this week.
- Electronic Catan LCD Tiles. (via)
- Watchy, open hardware and software watch.
- Modal dialogs and other things that steal keyboard focus are dangerous. That makes me so mad.
- DuskOS. Linking cause “low impact computing” has turned into “postapocalyptic computing” for some people. (via)
- Catalogs and Context. (via)
- What happened to Perl 7? (via)
- Related: perl v5.36.0 has been released. (via)
- Access the Tesla API with Perl!
- BBQ20KBD. (via)
- Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7 MK3. (via)
- 50 Years of Text Games crowdfunded book launch teaser.
- XModem in 2022. (via)
- The Thompson MO5, I’ve never seen before. Plus free BASIC. (via)