Lazy Reading for 2021/04/18

Some nice in-depth reading awaits you below.

Lazy Reading for 2021/04/11

Some looks backward to prior links, but in a good way.

Lazy Reading for 2021/04/04

I lost the origin of some of these links this week; too many tabs open.  Sorry!

Your unrelated music of the week: The Best Beat Tapes on Bandcamp: March 2021.

Lazy Reading for 2021/03/28

No theme this week cause I really did touch all the themes.

Lazy Reading for 2021/03/21

Mini theme this week: sound.

Lazy Reading for 2021/03/14

Double links is the sub-theme today.


Lazy Reading for 2021/03/07

Long shot question: Are any of you in France and able to get this chocolate mold directly at a lower price?  Valrhona doesn’t sell square molds into the US market.

Lazy Reading for 2021/02/28

If you enjoy the weekend reading, or even the weekday posts, consider my Patreon.  It’d be nice if it bought me some good coffee.

Your unrelated to anything at all image of the week: Saskatchewan!

Lazy Reading for 2021/02/21

Today’s date is slightly confusing.

Lazy Reading for 2021/02/14

Another informal history theme, not uncommon.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Best electronic music on Bandcamp, January 2021.

Lazy Reading for 2021/02/07

There’s a few links in here that you could lose hours to.  Those are the best!


Lazy Reading for 2021/01/31

Accidental theme of UNIX-ish history this week.

Your unrelated music of the week: The Most Noble Adventures of Erebor’s Finest Son, In His Quest To Butcher Orcs And Save The World.   “Metal, minus those boring verses, choruses and solos, thus leaving only the most metal of song components; riffs and slams.”  It’s bebop in metal form, and if you understand that joke you are a music nerd and it’s wonderful.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/17

I went analog for a number of things this week.  Not unusual!

Your unrelated music of the week: Xvious_exe by woob.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/10

This is a good week for variety; I managed to get historical links, game links, music links, hardware… checking all the boxes except roguelikes, darnit.

Lazy Reading for 2021/01/03

End of year reviews are showing up; probably more next week.

Your unrelated video of the week: Throat Notes, from the same person who did Double King.

Lazy Reading for 2020/12/27

I haven’t had many posts this past week because of a mix of work then holidays. but there’s always Lazy Reading.

Lazy Reading for 2020/12/20

This week’s links are all fun, but you had better have some time to read.

Your unrelated music of the week: Shimmer, Then Disappear.

Lazy Reading for 2020/12/13

I lean more to the fun topics this week.

Lazy Reading for 2020/12/06

This is one of my more backwards-looking Lazy Reading posts.

Your unrelated music of the week: High Command, recommended by the thrashiest band of recent times: Power Trip.

Lazy Reading for 2020/11/29

I don’t have to work today for the first time since I am not sure when.  For that, you get links links links.