Some retrocomputing as a mini-theme this week.
- Download files listed in a http index with wget. Eventually you will need this.
- A Conversation With the Mysterious Dubstep Sensation Hannibal Rex.
- Stretching the c64 Palette. (via)
- Announcing Perl 7. (via)
- Rainbow – an attempt to display colour on a B&W monitor. (also via)
- Bluetooth (sound) latency is astonishingly bad. 50ms is all it takes. (via)
- On Contact Tracing and Hardware Tokens. This would be the right guy to evaluate this.
- modernish, a shell library? I am not sure what to call it. (via)
- General-purpose OS, special-purpose OS, and now: vendor-purpose OS.
- NeXTSTEP on the HP 712 Part 2: Getting Software. (via)
- Real VT102 emulation with MAME. (via)
- Commodore SX-64 keyboard restoration. (via)
- Linux Kernel Is Still Seeing Driver Work for the Macintosh II. Of course this isn’t surprising to a BSD person. (via)
- A decidedly non-Linux distro walkthrough: Haiku R1/beta2. (via)
- No lack of documentation. Linked for the image, and for the note that Twitter threads are bad for information storage. Don’t do it.
Your unrelated music of the week: Skratch Bastid. (via)