Lazy Reading for 2019/09/22

Lots of link diversity this week.

Lazy Reading for 2019/09/15

Way eclectic this week.  Enjoy!  I will be working, as I haven’t had a day off in 3 weeks – but don’t be too sorry for me, I chose this.  The magic of pre-scheduling posts fixes it.

Your unrelated music post: The Best Electronic Music on Bandcamp: August 2019.

Lazy Reading for 2019/09/08

This week is a nice mix between useful and entertaining.

Lazy Reading for 2019/09/01

I am starting to think I need an Apple ][ tag.

Lazy Reading for 2019/08/25

I’m covering all my areas of interest this week, or nearly so.


Lazy Reading for 2019/08/18

Again, way behind cause of being online only irregularly over the last week.   There’s still plenty to look at – August is made for Lazy Reading.

Lazy Reading for 2019/08/11

I have some neat history items mixed in this week.

Your unrelated music of the week: Blarf: Cease and Desist.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2019/08/04

This week’s material filled up fast.  It’s vacation season in the northern hemisphere, so let’s see what next week brings…

Lazy Reading for 2019/07/28

I get indirectly cranky, this week.

Lazy Reading for 2019/07/21

Accidental theme: heavy metal.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Grando by OHMYGOD.

Lazy Reading for 2019/07/07

No unplanned theme evolved this week, but that’s OK.

Your listening link of the week: Kerrang’s 50 best metal bands of the last decade.  You (may have) heard it here first on #1.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2019/06/30

I’m going to be very busy over the next week, so I am not sure how consistent my posting schedule will be, or how much I will be able to build up for next weekend.  We’ll find out together.

Lazy Reading for 2019/06/23

Lots of topic range this week; no theme grew out – but that’s better in some ways!

Lazy Reading for 2019/06/16

Inadvertent theme this week: games.  Yet somehow I didn’t include a roguelike?  Dang.

Lazy Reading for 2019/06/09

This week’s inadvertent theme: decoration.


Lazy Reading for 2019/06/02

I’ve got some unique links this week.

Lazy Reading for 2019/05/26

Accidental theme of the week: old-school non-UNIX operating systems.


Lazy Reading for 2019/05/19

Cobbled together early cause I have an unexpectedly busy weekend, so you are getting a straight dump of everything pending I had in RSS, Thursday night.

Lazy Reading for 2019/05/12

I am opinionated this week!

Lazy Reading for 2019/05/05

I’m really loading up with links this weekend; make some time to read today.