Lazy Reading for 2019/04/28

A little short this week to balance last week’s mega-Lazy.

Lazy Reading for 2019/04/21

It’s bizarre links week this week.  Well, more than usual, I mean.

Lazy Reading for 2019/04/14

I hope you have some time on your hands today.  There are hours of reading and watching linked below.

Your unrelated Kickstarter of the week: Lancer, an RPG.


Lazy Reading for 2019/04/07

Some old-school RPG and miniatures links mixed in this week.

Your unrelated music of the week: Principleasure: I.  Eighties sound, but modernized.

Lazy Reading for 2019/03/31

This is a compact list, but there’s plenty to see.

Lazy Reading for 2019/03/24

Lots of link clustering this week.

Lazy Reading for 2019/03/17

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


Lazy Reading for 2019/03/10

Another good mix of deep dives / unique links this week.  Enjoy!

Final link of the week: The story that was made for me: Running a Bakery on Emacs and PostgreSQL.

Lazy Reading for 2019/03/03

I’m going to break out the roguelike tag again even if it isn’t a perfect fit.

Lazy Reading for 2019/02/24

Yay, got to use the roguelike tag!

Lazy Reading for 2019/02/17

There’s some extended reading in these links; I hope you have some time on your hands for a deep dive today.

Your unrelated video of the week: DOCTOR WHAT.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2019/02/10

No theme this week!


Lazy Reading for 2019/01/27

Sorta unofficial retro game theme this week.

Your unrelated audio link of the week: Centuries of Sound. The major sounds of a given year, starting in 1859. Yes, 1859. It’s like time travel for your ears, with liner notes. (via)

Lazy Reading for 2019/01/20

One advantage of having a link ‘backlog’ is that I can pick and choose a bit, to present grouped items.

Lazy Reading for 2019/01/13

Unofficial theme this week: me commenting on almost every link.

Lazy Reading for 2019/01/06

Unofficial theme: DOOM

Lazy Reading for 2018/12/30

Last of the year!

Lazy Reading for 2018/12/23

Merry almost Christmas!  I hope you like reading, because I’m linking to some large collections of text.

Lazy Reading for 2018/12/16

I’m not planning a holiday gift guide this year, though they are fun to do.  You can always check previous ones; I try to link to stores rather than individual items.

Lazy Reading for 2018/12/09

Involuntary vi theme this week.  Or ssh!  I have lots of links.