Lazy Reading for 2018/12/02

It’s a classic Lazy Reading this week – some deep dives, some history, some stuff that will take a while to explore.  Enjoy!

Lazy Reading for 2018/11/25

A sorta backwards-looking list for you, this week.

Unrelated video of the week: Mashups are a mental dead end in most cases, but this “Benny Hill/Slayer Mashup Disaster” tickled me.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2018/11/18

Another cover-all-categories week.

Your unrelated music link of the week: A Guide to Breakbeats on Bandcamp.

Lazy Reading for 2018/11/10

The movies link should keep you busy.

Lazy Reading for 2018/11/04

I almost put the OpenSSH stuff in In Other BSDs yesterday, but it is really cross-platform at this point.

Lazy Reading for 2018/10/28

Oddball and quirky links, the best part of Lazy Reading.

Your unrelated music link of the week: Justin Broadrick interview.

Lazy Reading for 2018/10/21

Still clearing…

Lazy Reading for 2018/10/14

A good, oddball week.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: Draculagate, a book funded by Kickstarter.  Watch the video.


Lazy Reading for 2018/10/07

Old computer theme this week.  That may be more of a constant.


Lazy Reading for 2018/09/30

I cleared my tab backlog, but I still have a RSS backlog to work through here.  Please be patient as I post a crapton of links and still don’t make it to the end.

Your unrelated listening of the week: The Best Metal on Bandcamp: September 2018.  Witch Ripper and Pig Destroyer are pretty fun, both to listen to and to say.

Lazy Reading for 2018/09/23

I still have a backlog.  Geez.  I’m starting to worry I’m posting too much for anyone to read through.

Your unrelated dragonfly image this week: Common darter.

Lazy Reading for 2018/09/16

Unofficial history theme this week – but not UNIX-specific, for once.

Your unrelated baking video of the week: Round Cake Production with Unifiller Depositors and Decorating Equipment.  I’m not recommending this as a food; it’s just somewhat hypnotic to watch the robot production of something you usually imagine as lovingly handcrafted.

Lazy Reading for 2018/09/09

I did finally clean out my “to post” email folder, at least.

Your unrelated item of the week: Please enjoy this masterclass in comedy timing from a pizza.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2018/09/02

Unofficial accidental “time” theme this week.  Also charts!

Lazy Reading for 2018/08/26

There’s several deep dives in the links today; enjoy reading!

Your unrelated music link of the week: A Brief Primer on the Contemporary Glitch-Hop Scene.  I liked Tipper more than I expected.

Lazy Reading for 2018/08/19

Done well ahead of time, knowing I’d be on the road this past week.



Lazy Reading for 2018/08/12

Nicely esoteric this week.

Lazy Reading for 2018/08/05

This is a straight dump of open browser tabs.  You can tell what motivated me to set up the Mastodon account for the Digest this week, from some of the content.

Your unrelated video of the week: LOCAL58 – Show for Children.

Lazy Reading for 2018/07/29

Short, perhaps, but blame my traveling.

Lazy Reading for 2018/07/22

History for a theme, I guess?  It’s a random week.

Your Cyriak video of the month: Indigestion.