Lazy Reading for 2017/04/02

I’m very UNIXy this week.

Your useful tip of the week: Setting the root login’s ‘full name’ to identify the machine that sent email.  This makes so much sense.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2017/03/26

Old-school UNIX and games this week.

Lazy Reading for 2017/03/19

Technical details week for Lazy Reading.

Your unrelated tea link of the week: Haha, one of the world’s best tea houses is in my town.  It’s Leaf Tea Bar, and Niraj is one of the nicest guys.  His prices are reasonable for the quality of the tea, too.

Your related bug link of the week: Teeth of the DragonFly.  (via)


Lazy Reading for 2017/03/12

I had overflow from last week, so I have a good list for you, despite being offline for days.

Your unrelated tea link of the day: defining what it means when you read “mug of tea” vs “cup of tea”.  You’d think it was interchangeable, but the meanings diverge.  (PDF, via)

Lazy Reading for 2017/03/05

A little meta, this week.

Your unrelated tea link of the week: In Sri Lanka’s Tea Paradise, A Social Enterprise Is Brewing.  I actually heard about the quality of the tea (very good) before I heard about the way the company was formed.  Consider where your next tea purchase comes from, in light of this.

Lazy Reading for 2017/02/26

Another diverse link week, hooray!

Your unrelated item of the week: How Wegmans inspired the most rabid fanbase in the grocery world.  I live in the town where Wegmans started.  “Grocery fanbase” is a relative thing, but: yes, they are that good.


Lazy Reading for 2017/02/19

It’s Lazy Reading Science week!

Your unrelated link of the day: Assault Trombone.  Even if this was lethal, I couldn’t take it seriously.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2017/02/12

It’s all twofer links this week.

Your unrelated entertainment activities of the day: Places to Telnet.  (indirectly via)

Lazy Reading for 2017/02/05

You weren’t planning to do anything else today, right?  Find some headphones.

Your unrelated link of the week: Bandcamp Daily.  Curated daily presentations about a band or type of music, where the enthusiasm for any given esoteric sonic whatsit oozes through the writing and samples are there to back it up.  Of course I would like it.  Recent highlights from just the past few days: a history of doom metal; Kid Koala’s new album, and whatever this is.

Lazy Reading for 2017/01/29

Not as many reading links as usual this week, but lots of BSD news yesterday.  It ebbs and it flows.

Your unrelated comic of the week: “Your comment here“.  Also “presentation“.

Lazy Reading for 2017/01/22

Thinkpieces, this week.

Your tea link of the week: Scary photo of an Indian tea plantation


Lazy Reading for 2017/01/15

“Old consumer computers” is this week’s accidental theme.

Your unrelated video of the week: Turbo Encabulator.  There’s more like that out there, like the Rockwell Retro Encabulator.


Lazy Reading for 2017/01/08

I hope you have lots of time to read today.

Lazy Reading for 2017/01/01

I almost scheduled this for 2016/01/01.

Lazy Reading for 2016/12/25

Merry Christmas!  I piled up as many links as I could in the theory that many readers have the spare time for it today/tomorrow/next few days.

Your unrelated game link of the week: Lode Runner.  The whole thing in HTML5 as far as I can tell.  (via)

Your unrelated video of the week: AAAAAAAAAAAA

Lazy Reading for 2016/12/18

Typed early while contractors drill holes in my house.

Your unrelated link of the week: arguments over bread terminology.

Lazy Reading for 2016/12/11

The post-holiday rush of links has slowed.



Lazy Reading for 2016/12/04

Dig up more on James Burke (linked below) if you can, and if you have the time.  His Connections show was a delight.

Lazy Reading for 2016/11/27

A lot of this I picked up in previous weeks, knowing that the U.S Thanksgiving holiday was going to either dry up all links or give me a crapload.

Your unrelated link of the week: The Secret World of Stuff.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2016/11/20

It took me three edits of this post to spell “Salvador” correctly.

Your unrelated food link of the week: Salvador Dali wrote a cookbook.  (It’s getting reprinted.)