Lazy Reading for 2015/06/07

This week is more eclectic than usual.

Your unrelated video link of the week: Stairway to Stardom.  1980s public access TV performances.  Highlights one, two, and three.  (via private list.)


Lazy Reading for 2015/05/31

Emulation is this week’s accidental topic.

Your comics link of the week: Behold!  The Dinosaurs!


Lazy Reading for 2015/05/24

I guess the accidental theme this week is Unix.

Your unrelated link of the week: svblm.  Found via a link to Infinideer and Forest Ambassador.

Lazy Reading for 2015/05/17

Get clicking!

Your unrelated comic link of the week: Finished page at the Toronto Comic Jam.  I missed TCAF this year, dangit.  It is awesome.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2015/05/10

Accidentally very roguelike this week.

Lazy Reading for 2015/05/03

I started sparse because this was a busy week, but I’ve still got a pretty good amount of reading for you.

Lazy Reading for 2015/04/26

We’re already 2/3 of the way to Christmas!

Your unrelated tea links of the week: Do you even steep?  The actual title is different, but I like that part of the link more.  (Thanks, Jeff Ramnani)  Also: Tea With Strangers.  It’s exactly what it sounds like.  Unfortunately, it’s not in my city.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2015/04/19

Spillover from last week, even.

Your unrelated video links of the week: 80s nostalgia is happening now that there’s a generation young enough to not have experienced it.  You can have the 1980s as a parody, or as the real, unmitigated awfulness.

Lazy Reading for 2015/04/12

Without meaning to, I’ve broken into full-on computer nostalgia this week.  Don’t know how it happened, but at least the links are interesting.

Your unrelated tea link of the week: The man who drank too much iced tea.  He wasn’t drinking that much, which makes me a bit worried about my own hot tea consumption.  (via)

Your unrelated psychedelic rock video of the week: Lightning Bolt’s The Metal East.  If you find the art interesting, start looking for Fort Thunder comics.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2015/03/29

Pre-assembled over the week, since I have an odd weekend schedule this week.  On the plus side, there’s lots to click here.

Unrelated link of the week: Tea.  Contains strong language.

Lazy Reading for 2015/03/22

As you read this, I am probably watching a storage processor reboot.

I’d love to see fewer developers demanding superficial perks, and more of them asking to have more time to contribute to the open source products we use, mentor young developers, and learning more about the space they occupy. All of those result in us growing as developers in more than just our coding skills.

Your unrelated link of the week: National Corndog Day.  Has audio.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2015/03/15

Happy (almost) St. Patrick’s Day!  An excuse in the U.S. to wear green things and drink beer.

Lazy Reading for 2015/03/08

This is the Lazy Reading mix I like – some history, some commentary.

Your unrelated link of the week: Perfect cup of tea renders all other tea pointless.  A sloppy joke, so let me share these recipes for masala chai and hobnobs instead.  I’m hungry.


Lazy Reading for 2015/03/01

The temperatures climbed up to almost not freezing this week!  It feels so warm.

Your unrelated video link of the week: The Chemistry of Cookies.

Lazy Reading for 2015/02/22

Lots of in-depth reading this week.  Put on something warm/drink something warm (especially if you are in the northeast US) and start reading.

Your unrelated quote of the week:

“If we had Smart Dogs right now, they’d have screens instead of ears, and they wouldn’t be able to bark in a somewhat indecipherable but yet still full of meaning way, they’d just have a whole bunch of notification icons that would come out of their butt and would all be red circles with numbers in them.”

Your unrelated link of the week: Drone over Niagara Falls.  That’s about 70 miles from here; I’ve been there many times.  That may give you an idea of the snow buildup/cold level here recently.

Lazy Reading for 2015/02/15

Being home sick in the middle of the week gave me a head start on all these links.

Lazy Reading for 2015/02/08

I’m… not sure what happened this week.  I read the same amount of material, went through my RSS feeds, and this is the only stuff that looked linkable.  Sorry!


Lazy Reading for 2015/02/01

Happy Groundhog Day!

Your unrelated video link of the week: The showreel of Nick Denboer, AKA Smearballs.  (also via)

Lazy Reading for 2015/01/25

All over the spectrum this week.

Your unrelated link of the week: Skymall, 2007.


Lazy Reading for 2015/01/18

Not sure how I ended up with so many interesting conference links.  There’s some substantial reading here too, so clear your schedule.