Lazy Reading for 2014/11/02

Short this week because of the amount of time I was at work, but what I have is good.

Lazy Reading for 2014/10/26

Lots of light topic links this week.

Your unrelated animation of the week: Karateka.  I remember discovering this, and laughing and laughing…

Lazy Reading for 2014/10/19

Writing this now, and hoping I’ll get the server apart and back together fast enough nobody notices.

Lazy Reading for 2014/10/05

I spent a good chunk of this weekend at work for various reasons, so it’s a slightly less long list.  On the plus side, I know a bit more about setting up fiber links now.

Your unrelated image of the week:

I’m getting a new pet tomorrow.

Lazy Reading for 2014/09/28

I have an excellent mix of links this week, I think.  I like to have multiple links on multiple topics.

Lazy Reading for 2014/09/21

Lots of links this week.


Lazy Reading for 2014/09/14

I didn’t even notice, because this has been a difficult week for me, but I’ve hit over 6,000 posts on the Digest. I passed the 11-year mark too, a few weeks ago.

Your unrelated video of the week: Tea Making Tips, from England in 1941.  This 60-year-old WW2-era film is actually one of the better how-to-deal-with-tea guides I’ve ever seen. (via)

Lazy Reading for 2014/09/07

I finished almost this entire thing just on September 1st.  I blame school season restarting.  Speaking of which, O’Reilly’s running a 50% off ebooks sale.

Your unrelated link of the week: the final answer on how to say GIF .  (video source – watch the outtakes, too.)

Lazy Reading for 2014/08/31

A relatively trim list for the holiday weekend.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: “Horse.”  One of my favorite single panels of all time.

Lazy Reading for 2014/08/24

I hope you like your links eclectic!

Your unrelated comics link of the week: John Pound, one of the original Garbage Pail Kids artists, nowadays creates his art by coding it – mostly by writing out Postscript.  He doesn’t draw sketchbooks – he generates them.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2014/08/17

For once, a shorter week.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: Wrenchies.  I like Farel Dalrymple’s style.

Bonus unrelated: New Cyriak video!

Lazy Reading for 2014/08/10

This week’s Lazy Reading started as overflow from last week.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: Quantum & Pixel.  Another Boulet comic, this time exploring 2D physics.

Lazy Reading for 2014/08/03

There’s a lot to read this week… I’m not sure how that happened.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: Mmmm…  diagrams.  That describes me.  The subject and artist, Scott McCloud, has a book called Understanding Comics that is an excellent discussion of perception and communication.  His exploration of visual “closure” is good for anyone who has to think about interfaces.

Lazy Reading for 2014/07/27

I was low on time but I still brought the links!

Your unrelated link of the week: Summer cakes.  The second recipe is from Nicola Humble.  I just read her surprisingly interesting history of the cookbook in the UK, hence the link.  Plus, I’m hungry.

Lazy Reading for 2014/07/20

I spent this week watching an older Cisco ASA slowly lose its ability to see parts of the Internet.  How did I fix it?  pfSense.

Your unrelated link of the week: Avery Monsen’s Vines.  Vines are an excellent way to make a very short comedy sketch.  Infinite Waffles and Break the Silence are my favorites so far.  (via)

Lazy Reading for 2014/07/13

It’s a manageable list this week.

Your unrelated comics link of the week: Formicapunk.  Boulet’s version of analog technology.

Lazy Reading for 2014/07/06

I was out sick for a few days this week (Norwalk virus ain’t fun), and so there’s a whole lot of links to follow.

Your unrelated link of the week: The 1987 Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship.  Imagine there was no Internet access other than what you can telnet to, and nothing on TV other than this.  That’s 1987.

Lazy Reading for 2014/06/29

I bring the audio and the visual today.

You unrelated comics link of the week: The Imitation Game, the story of Alan Turing, written by Jim Ottaviani and illustrated by Leland Purvis.  I have other work by both authors – they are excellent – and Alan Turning should be a name already familiar to you.

Lazy Reading for 2014/06/22

Again, a backlog from last week means this week is fat.

Your unrelated links of the week: My side hobby I never mention here is baking.  I looked up a word I didn’t know, found out about an ice cream type I’ve never seen, started reading about odd things to do with eggs and pressure cookers, and now I’m confused by the possibilities.  No narrative point here; I just need to get in the kitchen.