Last of the year! You’ll want to take some reading/watching time this week.
Can you be arrested for what’s on your computer? Yes, of course.
Making SSH connections easier. If you don’t know it, you should.
Ansible vs. Salt and Creating a new Ansible node. BSD-focused.
Vim in the hands of a Real Maniac. Damian Conway, the speaker, is a man of complicated skill, and a good speaker. It gets pretty crazy by the end. (via)
The Saddest Moment, James Mickens talking about Byzantine fault tolerance. (via)
The via link on that last one led me to Dadhacker, with some excellent entries like this Eject button at Apple or Fuctuation.
Digital restoration and typesetter forensics. Brian Kernighan, Ken Thompson, and Joe Condon reverse-engineering hardware because the vendor won’t reveal how it works – in the 1970s. The letter to the vendor is hilarious. The story of how it was recovered, also linked there, is a good read, too. (also via)
Over-Extended Metaphor for the Day. Could quibble, won’t. I like the Emo Phillips followup joke quoted here, where I found it. There’s some neat old things there – and they’re selling/buying! (via)
Console Living Room; more old game systems resurrected via JSMESS. First reaction was that it was neat, second reaction: these old games were horrible, compared to what we have now. (via multiple places)
exabgp, human-readable BGP messages. (also also via)
The Grand C++ Error Explosion Competition. I had a student who excelled at this, involuntarily. (via)
We’ve run out of closed-source things to re-implement as open source, and now we’re reinventing the open-source wheel.
How open source changed Google – and how Google changed open source. Their open source group is essentially about license compliance, not evangelism. That is the way it should be. The last paragraph about Summer of Code is spot-on. (via)
Readers of a certain age will recognize the global vector map theme. (Here’s more.) It makes me think of the old Apple ][ game, NORAD. (incidentally, I was way better at it than the player in that video.)
Your unrelated comics link of the week: not a comic, but a magazine that includes comics: Mineshaft. I’ve heard about it many times, and I keep meaning to get a subscription.