A catch-up week.
- Ivan Voras askes for the ‘anti-cloud‘, a true decentralization of resources instead of the cloud-as-a-central-service-from-one-company, which is what it’s becoming now.
- How not to design a protocol, about HTTP cookies. (via) I’ve heard from far more people worried about cookies and the need to clear or block them, than, say, people who realize the risks that programs like Firesheep expose. Such is life.
- Will be needed: a SSH VPN. (via) Did I link this already?
- ‘radek’ sends along news of Giant DragonFlies. Not the most scientific of articles, but a fun thought.
- sshd, given actual form.
- Dru Lavigne’s got a nice summary of MeetBSD, complete with pictures, audio, and video. More conferences should be covered this completely, and quickly.